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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: January 4th, 2023


  • I removed the Facebook account containers extension recently, and it seemed it also removed the multi-account containers extension? I still had containers and could use them however, but I discovered something was up when I could no longer use the ctrl+. shortcut to choose a new container tab.

  • You’re really hitting the nail on the head with this analogy. If you replaced all the cars with cyclists then yes you’d increase the number of cycle accidents, but no one of those cyclists would be capable of causing anywhere even remotely near the level of carnage one car driver can cause. In fact, the amount of damage a single cyclist can cause would decrease with fewer cars on the road, given that at present the worst damage a cyclist can cause is by indirectly causing a car driver to crash.

  • this is the most important comment in this whole thread. Sunak – who absorbed the party leadership role as the “continuity candidate” – is trying to pitch his own party as the radical opposition when they’ve been running the country for 30 of the 43 years he’s been alive, and have been more or less electorally unopposed for the entirety of his political career. the amount of unironic opportunitistic populist bullshit he’s got blowing his sails along would be funny if it wasn’t so viscerally horrible

  • Sure, that’s why I qualified that harmful accidents do happen, though relatively rarely compared to car accidents, and relatively rarely anywhere near as harmful as a similar incident if it was caused by a car.

    Similar anecdotal incident - I know someone who was hospitalised and got multiple fractures while riding his bike on a cycle path because someone was walking their dog without a lead and the dog ran in front of his bike. These things can and do happen, they’re not unusual - but it’s also a weak argument for, say, mandating that all dog owners get liability insurance for their pets.

  • I both drive and cycle for commuting, and having experience with both it’s hard to imagine what practical use mandatory insurance would be for cyclists, given that only third-party insurance is mandatory for drivers, and it’s largely to cover the huge amount of physical damage someone can create with a 2-tonne block of metal propelled by an engine, something that really isn’t comparable to ~10kg powered only by one person’s legs.

    and yeah sure hypothetically a cyclist could make a mistake that indirectly causes a car to cause an accident but this relatively very rare compared to the hundreds of accidents directly caused by drivers every day, and even rarer that the accident would be solely the fault of one party (ie. if a cyclist in front of a driver did a bad maneuver and the driver had to do an emergency stop, the driver was probably far too close to the cyclist)

    at the end of the day, calls for cyclists to have insurance or licence plates usually come from people who are less invested in whether or not these are practical solutions, and more from car drivers who irrationally just want cyclists to suffer from the same inconveniences they have to deal with