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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • I appreciate the attempt to be even handed here, but there is a whole manosphere subculture centered around describing and acting upon women not as equals but as “females” using that language, which really isn’t mirrored in the other direction. While you may give someone the benefit of a doubt due to the above, I feel the language is an incredibly strong indicator that whoever is speaking does not speak to many women as equals, or would not be calling their entire sex “females” like one does in an anthropological study.

    As for them being grown-ass adults or not, I highly suspect the context would make this abundantly clear if you were talking about people being acting foolish, rather than simply their state of being.

  • Nah, women can’t have peach fuzz on their faces, or skin with spots and texture. Also Aloy didn’t use machine blood to make eyeliner and eye shadow, so apparently she’s not female enough for these morons.

    The most obvious way these people tattle on themselves and their small dick energy is when you hear them start referring to all women as females. They aren’t people, they’re a caste of other lifeforms that can be boiled down to their sex.

    Hearing how “woke games devs are too threatened by attractive females” is a good sign whoever is speaking slipped and landed on their head too many times.

  • Not to haters who think legacy heroes should never have successors or treat their name like some kind of precious think never to be touch by others (except for in the mainline comics, sometimes for years at a time but always reverting to the OG within 5-6 years).

    Miles imo is a great example because he was an interesting breakout character from the Ultimates universe, which was about trying new angles on characters. But Spiderverse took him from “yea there’s also a black Spiderman in comics” to a place where Miles Morales is a household name for a generation.

    This robs the original Spider-Man of nothing. Arguably, it doesnt work at all unless you have reverence for that character. But people haaaaated Miles in certain circles of the internet. Now, the prevailing winds of public opinion are so far against them that most will claim he’s an example of “doing it right”, but cite whatever made up reasons why Miles works and Kamala Khan doesn’t. Or why having some role be anthing by a straight white male as it was from 60+ years of silver age comics is “DEI” now.

  • Make the children internet token based for kids, use a yubikey or something (no password to learn), and leave the regular internet as is. Make ISPs provide families with kids access to both, either via subnet or dedicated hardware.

    From there just have policy to not give the unrestricted network access to kids. Aka parenting. Public institutions like libraries can have most open terminals on the “safenet” and limited public access to the unfiltered net.

    For a “poor man’s version” of this concept, you could do a pi-hole sub-network for home use, but the internet elsewhere is still the internet.

    That’s one possible idea anyways, and a damn sight better than porn credits.