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  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • I think the problem might be that our car parks just aren’t all that big, and there’s other infrastructure that needs to be built to accompany DC grid sources like this, they don’t just plug straight in.

    There’s lots of normal sized car parks dotted all over, very few of them are really of any particular size, and the ones that are are usually multi storey car parks to save on footprint anyway.

  • For years now, our government and a large vocal chunk of our population are doing their best to keep foreigners out, cut ties outside of the country, and make it very clear that if you’re not British you’re not welcome here.

    Why would universities be surprised by this turn of events? They’ve seen it happening for years now.

    Furthermore, even young people from the UK are reconsidering university too, partly because we were all deeply lied to about how useful a degree would be in getting a job,

    and partly because thanks to huge changes over the past 15 years in the costs of university and costs of living, it’s become impossible for many young people to attend university even if they wanted to.

    Some groups in the UK are working hard to both restrict access to education for our own people, whilst also working hard to keep foreign people out of the country.

    Think about that for a moment, and you may be as worried as I am.

    Education, along with the mixing of cultures and peoples is important for the health of any free, prosperous nation. But these things are the enemy of authoritarians, fascists…

  • Just going from the headline, I assumed the “Heritage Foundation” was a non profit that worked to preserve our civilisation’s historic buildings, locations, works of art and culture.

    Turns out they’re just bigoted fascists, I guess? Huh.

    A lot of those over in the USA at the moment. I mean, we have our fair share in Europe too, but ya know, it feels like it’s reaching a tipping point in the USA where fascists have by now infiltrated everything at all levels… :-/

  • Have you noticed how people just pull their phones out and start scrolling through stuff in the middle of a conversation, group activity, or even a dinner date now? It’s kinda startling.

    They seem to really struggle to focus on just one thing for any length of time without losing interest, even if that thing is just… interacting with another person.

    It’s depressing to watch, and often pretty rude :-(