…but it’s not in any way contiguous with south america; that would be the caribbean sea…
…but it’s not in any way contiguous with south america; that would be the caribbean sea…
…putin got us into this mess and couldn’t be happier…
…what name?..
…do not trust the shover robot…
…is there a good version of pilotwings64 available anywhere other than native hardware?..
…i’ve heard it called confederate heroes day, i think: no, wait, that’s what they did for MLK day…
…awww, man, i thought that was a pop swatch from the thumbnail!..
…i mean that i’ve never seen kerrygold sold in sticks; maybe it’s a regional thing?..
…our kerrygold comes in slabs, not sticks…
…by contrast to airwolf…
…looks more like i’m you, gonna right, stop there…
YYYY.MM.DD HH.MM.SS, as eru ilúvatar intended
…you forgot these: * *…
…i have a virulently-antifascist friend who laments emperor oompa-loopma 24/7 and he
…sounds like a good reason to cease operations and liquidate assets…
…i adore this depiction of moria from the one ring, plan and section both set against surrounding terrain to give a sense of scale…
…so, like, the way that text renders is kind of how i perceive everything after i’ve gone a bit too hard on the yerba maté, starting around 500 mg caffeine…
…looks pretty much the same on bing maps, except they’re so committed that they named it twice…