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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 13th, 2024


    1. re: “last candidate … George Washington”

    I’m not entirely sure what point you’re making, as there have been multiple other parties whose candidates were elected to the presidency, including the Federalists, the Whigs, and the Democratic-Republicans. Theodore Roosevelt received the second-most votes in the 1912 election as a third-party candidate for the Progressive (Bull Moose) party.

  • My guess is that they’re conflating “stubbornly contradictory” with “hostile,” which isn’t accurate. Being labeled as or treated as hostile when you’re not is frustrating, and it leads to poor communication. That goes both ways, though, and I can see where you’d both be able to infer hostility that may or may not be intended by the other party.

    Also, I’d suggest that if you no longer feel that you should “make an effort” then the best course of action is exactly that - cease engaging.

  • You’re implying that you believe I’ve resorted to “personal attacks” while simultaneously ignoring the very clear point I am making.

    Explain how browser history is the key to resolving the issue. Explain how legislation that could, and therefore would, be used against progressivism is a solution. Explain how public dissection of candidates has ever helped anyone other than the right.

    I’ll answer your question with others: how many candidates campaigning on progressive platforms with ties to such organizations and societies do you believe exist? How many secret Nazis are out there running on an agenda with equality as a core tenant? How many KKK sleeper agents do you think there are who are seeking office under the pretense of being left-leaning? These people out themselves, they have little interest in subterfuge during the best of times. We are not in the best of times.

    We are operating in a day where the worst among us are far from hidden, yet you’re seeking to create a bogeyman even while our monsters parade around in broad daylight. The onus lies with you to justify what you’ve proposed. So far, you have not. Unless you have anything to say that doesn’t default back to trying to discover that which is already exposed, I believe it’s safe to say that this discussion has run its course.

  • Please point out to me where I said such, or where I even implied it. You can’t, because I didn’t, but I would love to know which part you find appropriate to project such nonsense onto.

    After you move past your poor attempt at bad-faith mischaracterization, assuming you’re capable and willing to do so, re-read what I actually did say and see if you can wrap your head around the idea of unforseen consequences.

    Open your eyes; we have people with openly fascist leanings and blatant bigots in office right now. We know about them. They are not operating in secrecy. They are campaigning on platforms of intolerance and hate. Regardless of what flavor of horrible they are, be it KKK or Nazi or MAGA or whatever else, their actions out them more clearly than any browser history ever could. What you propose doesn’t hinder their pursuit of their goals. Legislation like this would make those goals more easily attainable.