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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • I have no control over that. Neither does anyone else.


    Is someone forcing you to browse the everything tab at gunpoint, or blackmailing you into browsing it‽

    Because if not, you should have have the self control to NOT FUCKING CLICK ON THE DAMN THING!

    If you know it might contain anything unsuitable for your current environment, just fucking WAIT to browse it until you’re in an environment where it will be suitable!

    It’s not fucking rocket surgery, for fuck’s sake, just have some fucking self control!

    Oh, it makes me mad!

  • Then nothing here on Lemmy should have an NSFW tag at all.

    Yes, exactly, now you’re getting it!

    But you know that doesn’t work.

    Oh, no, you actually don’t. You actually think you’re making a point. 😞

    Because you can have a feed that’s completely fine and then scroll randomly and find a bunch of porn posts back to back.

    Yeah, that’s how lemmy works. And the internet as a whole, really, except for small pockets of it.

    Which is why it’s up to you to be aware of which sites are suitable for your current environment and which are not, and have the fucking self control and patience to wait until you’re in a suitable environment to browse the ones that aren’t.

    If you are posting content to a platform you are responsible for that content and what it shows.

    Sure, but I can’t be responsible for it being suitable or not in your current particular environment because there’s no objective way for me to know what is and isn’t suitable for you in your current specific circumstances.

    “NSFW” is entirely subjective, it changes from person to person, from place to place, and from minute to minute depending on each user’s current circumstances, and expecting the poster to predict all of these possibilities is absurd, profoundly stupid, and outright disingenuous.

    The only person who knows what might be suitable in YOUR current particular environment is YOU. It’s your fucking responsibility to know which sites might contain something that you’d consider unsuitable and avoid them until you’re in and environment where they’ll be suitable.

    Don’t try to shift the blame and responsibility for YOUR lack of self control onto the people who’re giving you free content and who have no possible way of knowing that you might find it unsuitable at a certain specific point in space and time.

    This is like arguing that because it’s legal to show graphic content of war or similar on the news it should be allowed with no warning on any website.

    Yes. And it should be allowed, that’s what legal fucking means! (And even if it isn’t legal in your particular shithole there’s probably some other where it is, so good luck trying to enforce that.)

    If some sites decide to not allow it, that’s perfectly fine (in lemmy’s particular case it’s up to the instances, I believe, and some might leave it to the communities), but it’s up to YOU to keep up with which ones do allow content you might consider unsuitable and which ones don’t.

    Sure, some might give you warnings for specific kinds of content as a courtesy, but you really have no way of knowing if their particular definitions of “NSFW” match yours because it’s an entirely subjective issue in which it’s impossible to reach a consensus, so it’s still up to you to check and make sure.

    There’s underaged people everywhere on the internet.

    Well, that’s up to their legal guardians. I’m certainly not their nanny, and neither are the lemmy admins, moderators, or posters. You really seem obsessed with shifting your responsibilities onto unrelated third parties, you should probably have that looked at.

    Sites that have graphic content as the main content censor accordingly.

    No they don’t. Have you ever visited a porn site…?

    Why is Lemmy any different?

    It’s not, that’s the point. Which is why you should treat it like any other site that might contain “NSFW” content AND NOT FUCKING USE IT AT WORK! Fuck. It’s not fucking rocket surgery. 🤦‍♂️

  • leftzero@lemmynsfw.comtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldToo often
    8 hours ago

    They used to do that.

    Now they shove untested firmware updates onto windows update, launch them automatically, tell you that your computer is going to be updating for an indeterminate amount of time and that while that’s evidently more urgent and important than whatever you were using it for they’re generous enough to grant you three chances to postpone the update for 30 minutes, proceed with the update anyway when you tell them to postpone, warning you not to unplug the computer or else, and brick your machine even if you didn’t unplug it (and no, warranty doesn’t cover it, buy a new one, you filthy consumer).

    We have several HP laptops at work, and they’re an absolute nightmare.

  • That’s a good point.

    Also, spices can hide the fact that the food’s gone slightly off due to improper preservation (at least until it comes out one end or the other in a ballistic fashion, but then it’s possibly too late to pass the blame), so there might have been a bit of that, too.

    Still, it’s funny how we love eating stuff that’d kill or seriously inconvenience most everything else.

    We are weird creatures indeed.

  • Sure, but that’s the user’s responsibility, not the content providers’.

    It’s extremely simple: could this site contain something that would be unsuitable for your current environment…?

    — Definitely not. — Great, browse away (as long as doing so isn’t unsuitable for some other reason, e.g. working, paying attention to your family, driving the car).

    — Possibly, maybe, I don’t know. — Ok, now, pay attention, here’s the trick: DON’T FUCKING BROWSE IT. Wait until you’re in an environment where you’re sure it’ll be suitable. Browse something else. Have some fucking self control, for fuck’s sake.

    You are the only one who can tell what is suitable for your current circumstances and what is not. Lemmy has no way of knowing that, the moderators have no way of knowing that, the posters have no way of knowing that.

    It’s your responsibility, not ours.

    NSFW tags would only make sense if they were set by the user, and then they’d be useless because they could only work once the user (and their company’s firewall) has already seen the content they didn’t want to see. By definition, they can’t work, unless everything is tagged.

    You know what does work, though? Not browsing shit in circumstances where it might contain potentially unsuitable content. So do that, and let the admins, moderators, and posters be.

  • That’s entirely my whole point!

    Lemmy has no way of knowing that. Moderators have no way of knowing that.

    The only one capable of deciding what is suitable for your current specific environment is you!

    It’s impossible to define a one size fits all NSFW tag, and it shouldn’t be up to the content provider to do so.

    What to browse and when is and should be entirely the responsibility of the user accessing the content.

    If you get caught browsing pictures that are unsuitable for whatever your current environment is, that’s on you for browsing a site that might have those pictures, and on no one else.

    Accept your responsibility and don’t try to switch the blame.

  • Look, this whole thing is absurd like a Monty Python sketch, but much less funny.

    Is this picture not safe for work…?

    La maja desnuda, Francisco de Goya

    How about this one…?

    Les demoiselles d'Avignon, Picasso

    And what about this photograph of an actual naked beaver I posted the other day…?

    An absolute actual naked beaver

    For me, all three could get me in trouble at work (because they clearly have nothing to do with the work I should be doing), and none of them would get me in trouble at the bus (though there’s plenty of other pictures in Lemmy I wouldn’t want to be caught watching in the bus to avoid embarrassing myself or others), but that’s me, and that’s why I don’t use lemmy at work and if I use it on the bus I use a different account and only on communities I’m subscribed to.

    But deciding whether to watch these pictures or risk watching others like them at work or the bus is my responsibility, not lemmy’s, or the community moderators’, or their posters’.

    If I’m worried about “not suitable for work” I should be old enough to work, which means I should have a minimum of self control and be responsible for my own actions.

    If I’m caught at work or on the bus with an “unsuitable” image on my phone because I was browsing some site that might contain images of that kind I’m not going to blame that site, or whoever posted that image, and I’m not going to demand of them to adapt to my particular circumstances and mark, censor, or remove any content I might find unsuitable.

    That’s my job, not theirs. They’re not my fucking nanny, and I shouldn’t need one.

    Attempting to shift the blame for my own actions to the people providing me with this content (and for free, no less!) would be childish, petty, and disingenuous, to say the least.

  • Hey, if you don’t want to work, don’t, but don’t blame lemmy when you do something not allowed by whatever contract you signed.

    The concept of “not suitable for work” is absurd by definition; if you signed a contract that will get you penalised if you browse a certain type of content, just don’t browse sites which might contain that type of content while you work, it’s not rocket science, just basic self control.

    Lemmy and the internet ain’t your nanny, if you’re working you’re hopefully an adult, so be responsible for your own actions and don’t try to switch the blame onto unrelated third parties.

  • It’s one of the largest relative aperture lenses in the history of photography, which means it can allow cameras to shoot in very low light. It was designed and made specifically for the NASA Apollo lunar program to photograph areas of the moon not lit by the sun.

    I suppose other manufacturers could make it (though Zeiss sort of is the lens company), and some have made similar or even faster lenses, but it probably would be very expensive and there’s not much of a market for it.

  • Other times they are at work while browsing

    Well, there’s your problem. What in fuck’s name are you doing wasting time on lemmy when you should be working…?

    And, if for some unconscionable reason you need lemmy for work and your IT aren’t competent enough to have blocked it in the company firewall, just make yourself a work-specific user and browse by subscribed (though if you really needed it for work you’d almost certainly be going to specific communities anyway, not to the aggregated views…