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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 5th, 2023


  • Well this fucking sucks, I liked Sticker Mule. My wife illustrates and gets stickers printed by them, and they’ll send goodies in the box with it (like their hot sauce, which is also pretty good).

    I’m all for a business taking a stance of “against violence”, but I didn’t know they were so pro-Trump. Personally I have mixed feelings because I don’t want to open this Pandora’s Box of more and more violence, particularly in public places. But I also can’t pretend that we’d be better off with Trump gone. We’d at least have the GOP stop pretending that he had the best ideas.

  • I’m not sure transphobia or homophobia were in the actual books, but the others you mentioned were. Rowling herself obv exhibits all of those things, but I try to think of OP as a 9 year old just discovering a love of reading, who doesn’t know about the racist tones. That’s my story at least, and I’ve been happier just letting people enjoy things.

  • Yeah, it’s a feature dubbed “queued callback”. Saves your place, it’s a pretty common request. Customers like Delta, Intuit, Pacific Life, Citibank, Dyson, all use the platform I build (Amazon Connect) and do stuff like that.

    Problem is, no one answers a call from an unknown number these days. Some phones are getting smart enough to recognize the number and show that it’s a business, though that’s more anecdotal evidence from my personal device (Pixel Fold with Google Fi carrier).