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Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • We may not see many repercussions from this now, but when the unvaccinated grow up and the viruses have had a generation’s worth of time to spread - just wait till a pregnant woman gets mumps and has a profoundly deaf baby. Or their toddler gets polio and ends up spending potentially years in a hospital, only to be released with lifetime disabilities. I know 2 people with polio, and one who is deaf due their mother having mumps (pre-vaccine days). Their lives, and the lives of their families, was/is hard. I wonder what grandma and grampa, safely vaccinated, will say when their grandkids start falling ill.

  • I hate how these things are such deathtraps.

    I live near a military base, and the base runs a lot of nighttime training over the forest my house is in. It is not unusual for Osprey to literally hover over my house. They get so close that the whole house shakes, and the sound from them is so loud it covers up a normal-volumed conversation. It doesn’t bother us, but every time it happens I think of all the crashes 😬

    We can also hear the base when it has bombing practice! Sitting on our deck and hearing bombs going off is a surreal experience. I can’t imagine what it’s like to hear those in an actual war situation.

  • It’s one of the perks of the gig,

    I work with first responders of all kinds, and I can’t think of a single one who would call that a “perk of the gig”. Having one 24 hour shift with constantly interrupted sleep is taxing at best, and once you hit middle age it gets progressively harder as you get older. Throw in having to work multiple 24s in a row and the very real possibility that once you finally do get off, you don’t get to go home and rest, you have to go to your second (or third) job - usually one you own yourself, or one owned by a fellow firefighter/paramedic because it’s the only way to accommodate the crazy schedules - and play catch-up there. It screws with you mentally and physically, but given the piss-poor pay a good chunk of them make, it’s what’s got to be done.

    Also, I don’t know any cops that sleep on OT (I don’t have much exposure to that scenario), but a lot of the ones around here sleep on their regular 12s. If I see two cop cars parked together in a median or pull-off, and they are parked facing opposite directions such that their drivers windows are next to each other so it looks like they can chat easily, one cop is almost certainly asleep while the other is standing watch. They don’t adjust to the mandatory day/night shift rotations well.

  • I have lots of stomach issues and can’t eat a lot of foods, which means I mostly eat the same few things over and over. One of the few things I can have reading out is a particular local restaurant’s chicken strips, and I’d get them for lunch a couple times a month. They’ve raised their prices twice in the last 6 months, and what used to be 6-8 strips for$6 is now 5 chicken strips - just the chicken, no fries or other sides - for $10. If I’m feeling masochistic, I’ll get myself and my father each one of their chef salads. Two of those are now $27. They are a very, very popular place and usually crazy busy, but since that last hike I’ve noticed the parking lot at lunchtime is often half empty. This is not a wealthy area, people can’t afford these prices. They are going to greed themselves right out of business.

    They’ve also lost every single long-time employee they had. And when I say long, I mean 15, 20 years working there. I watched most of them grow up, get married and have families. Every. Single. One. is gone, and I’ve seen most of them at other restaurants now. Their staff is now different every time I go in there, and service sucks and orders are frequently wrong. My work stopped ordering food from there for meetings because of it. Greed, greed, greed, with a healthy dose of apparent staff mistreatment. Story of the world at large nowadays.