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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 17th, 2023


  • Alabama is way worse than Mississippi or Florida in just about every way, they’re just quieter about it.

    Even the weather’s worse. I’ve been in actual jungles that were less miserably humid than rural Alabama. And I’m jungles you get cool jungle noises. I’m Alabama you get tractor noises and the worst Lynyrd Skynyrd song on repeat

    Hell, the unofficial mottos of Florida and Georgia are “at least we’re not Alabama”.

    Florida and Mississippi just get more media coverage cause everyone’s given up on that entire state at this point

  • Almost anything you see coming out of this God forsaken state is intended to hurt someone or to benefit the rich and powerful.

    The last good thing that I can remember is when Tennessee Promise got passed and made college “free”. Except you had to go to either a 2 year community college or one of a handful of specific colleges (which conveniently didn’t include any HBCUs). And then you had to be enrolled in a 2 year program. And if you ever dared to declare a major (which was really easy to do accidentally), you immediately lost it for every future semester with no hope of an appeal.

    Basically, there were a million ways to lose it and never get it back. This isn’t evidence of anything, but I don’t know a single person who managed to keep it for the full 2 years at a regular university.

  • It’s TN. They’ll win every seat except Nashville, Memphis, and that one West TN area I always forget the name of but they always vote Democrat. The first KKK was founded here, and the second and third were founded a stones throw away. I should know, I’ve been to Stone Mountain and witnessed Even-More-Racist-Mount-Rushmore.

    That mentality has never really left rural Tennessee. Hell, even suburban Tennessee is wildly racist. My parents home town has outright stated they’ll never allow public transportation because it’d bring in more Black and Mexican people to their 85% white city.

    Also last time I heard this from the city’s attorney, he didn’t say “Black” or “Mexican”. Instead it was an outright slur.

    Again, this is from the city’s attorney. And he’s probably the least racist high level official.

    They live 20 minutes from Nashville.

  • Maybe a forced pop-up whenever you submit content. I know people are gonna hate it, but putting the option right in front of their face makes them far more aware of it.

    If you wanted to make it optional, you could allow users to filter untagged posts. I think that with a combo of the popup could work to make it a thing people actually used.

    Basically what were discussing is a less crap version of reddit tags, hashtags, forum tags, etc. The big problem with those, especially on reddit, is getting people to use them and use them properly. Every sub handled them differently (hell, on the 2 subs I modded, both used them differently and I ran both of them). Some subs let users apply, some were mods only, some were bots, etc. The other problem is getting people to use them properly. Hashtags aren’t a bad system, but easily abused (look at Tumblr tags. They’re essentially useless half the time).

    Maybe community assigned tags could work. Have the poster tag from the start, then allow users to report if it should have a different level. It seems like a good idea, but I’d want to have something like a trust score behind it to filter errant reports and trolls, which I don’t think is currently something lemmy supports, but idk.

    Anyways, just throwing out ideas