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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023

  • I recently saw one PAINTED matte chalk WHITE! The bevels (idk what else to call them, the space between the panels) as still very clearly stainless steel though so it was a steel outline and then BLINDING WHITE

    It looked god awful, but was unfortunately in the incoming and thus gone before I could risk mine and everyone around me’s lives for internet points (though it would have been an honorable death we can all admit)

  • And I think it’s interesting that you likely talk in the same tone to all your political opponents while insinuating its their lack of education that is the problem

    Only when someone says blatantly wrong and/or stupid shit, like you

    makes them feel like listening to your arguments and carefully considering them

    Objectively, scientifically, we know that’s not what happens. I do it because you asswipes don’t deserve even the respect of basic human interaction until you accept basic human rights as such, and it’s funny to see you rage online

    Compared to you, I do understand a lot about polls, population samples, sampling methodologies, importance weighting, confidence intervals, and other related stuff. On a level way above high school.

    Oh yeah? Well my level of understanding is above college so nyeh, I win. I can tell you’re full of shit from the smell of what’s coming out

  • If you take any major gaming publications scores as at all legitimate then I have a bridge to sell you

    Major publications give it a passable score because “lol glitches are Bethesdas thing”, ignoring objective critique because of reputation, as well as our of fear that they won’t be given access to the next product released by the or Microsoft because they give games “bad publicity”

    Starfield is a broken, poorly written, dumpster fire of a game. It objectively doesn’t function correctly often, like many Bethesda products, and was designed by a team lead by a man allergic to basic game design ethos (seriously fuck Emil, my dog could do game design better than me "fuck design docs). It has moments of being interesting and, much like Skyrim, could be the base for some cool mods, but people hated it so much it won’t ever even get that

  • Relying on favorable interpretations of “reasonably functional” is just begging lobbyists and lawyers to ruin it for everyone.

    As is explained by Ross in the very video good over this initiative:

    If it’s successful in getting the votes then the EU will base what they do off of expert opinion and consultation. You’re going in with the assumption that it’ll work exactly as it does in the US it seems, which is silly as shit to do

  • My guess is that this game pivoted during development

    Nah, the game matches pretty well with what Lyin’ Todd said he wanted to make almost 20 years ago

    It’s also very clearly their usual design decisions but in a new setting

    If anything the issue is that they stayed stuck in EXACTLY their usual development methods: no design document because Emil doesn’t like them, their writers make their quests too, and use an engine that’s absolutely not meant for the kind of game they’re making ON TOP of being ancient and garbage

  • You would only be partially correct, as previously explained

    I do not actively believe there is a higher power, so I am atheistic

    I am open to the potential, so a fairly accurate simple description would be “agnostic atheist”, or “someone who doesn’t know whether or not there’s a higher power and lives assuming there is not”

    You’ll notice that despite atheist being in there I’ve not only not made the positive claim that there’s no god, I’m even open to the idea of something of that nature existing, because that’s not what atheism is about

  • It’s really easy to grow great weed in your closet, if you’re not worried about getting busted it gets even easier and cheaper not having to go as hardcore on smell and security

    Got a cheap LED board: 75

    Got 4 bottles of nutrients that last me ~4 harvests: 75

    Fabric pots: 15

    Coco Coir (reusable and lasts a long ass time), enough for 20 pots: 30

    Seeds: depends on your guy

    So long as you water and react properly to any nutrient issues you encounter you’ll get something better than a dispensary will sell you 9/10, and if you were to sell your plants proceeds for bottom-shelf prices you’d still make your money back with profit

    I FIM train and use a basic water/nutrient schedule and a timer to control my lights, get almost an oz a plant of absolute quality green damn near every time. I must emphasize, too: I’m a fucking idiot who barely knows what he’s doing, my brother is insane and gets RESULTS

  • Nice irrelevant question, I’ll answer it just to show that I know what I’m talking about because I’m actually part of the group being discussed, not some outsider pinning definitions on things incorrectly:

    If there is/are they have 0 impact on the world as we interact with it by my own observations so I live as a gnostic atheist, though if any actual proof were ever to show itself I wouldn’t exactly be shocked to find there was something beyond our comprehension out there