The Stoned Hacker

Just passin’ through

  • 15 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023

  • I set up a mail stack on Rocky Linux with Postfix, Dovecot, and rspamd. I don’t need a database because it’s all LDAP on the backend, and I don’t have webmail setup right now because I’m lazy. It’s a bit of a hassle to get up and running well but it’s pretty solid and I’m careful about managing my domain reputation so I don’t have any issues with my mail being delivered.

  • But then we still live under the same corrupt system and nothing fundamentally changes except us offsetting our issues onto future generations. Continuing to find ways to prop up Capitalism and make it liveable doesn’t actually fix a ton, it just shifts the burden from us onto our children. That’s why we’re in the shit as much as we are globally right now, and our kids will be drowning in it if we don’t act.

  • I grew up watching New Who. I never got into Classic Who. Part of it is just that you love the characters and eventually learn to accept that the universe is big and wacky shit happens. The Doctor usually has an idea of whats going on, and that’s all you really need. Imo the audience is like an auxiliary companion; we’re along for the ride and learning wtf is going on just like whoever’s with the Doctor. Our minds can’t always comprehend what’s going on, but thats okay. We’ll figure out a way through and sometimes even save the day ourselves. And at the end of it all we might be a little closer to the Doctor than a normal person, and we can use that to save the world when the Doctor is off saving another one.

    ETA: Also the Doctor is a wonderful character. I love everything except the Chibnall era because no one there understood the Doctor. I really really wish we had someone else as the first female doctor because I think it could’ve been great but instead we got someone who gave more ammunition to the sexists. The Doctor’s character has so much depth and mystery and demonstrates an ideal of humanity in the same way Star Trek does. I think one of the best examples of this is in the 50th anniversary special with the Doctor’s monologue at the end with the two boxes. I’m paraphrasing, but, “at the end of the day all wars end with what people should’ve done from the beginning: talk. If people just sat down and talked it out all could be resolved without a single drop of blood. The war you fight will only invite someone to fight another war against you.” I’m horribly butchering it but it’s a really beautiful speech. It’s not a perfect response to all injustice but nothing ever will be. Eventually we just have to stop and move forward if we ever want to see a brighter future.

  • I’ve spoken with a colleague who’s more experienced with physical networking (my work is mostly cloud based) and it seems the issue is that i have a dumb switch in-between my server and my managed router/switch so nothing is crossing VLANs properly. We figured this out because I did a packet capture on my network and did two DNS queries, one from my machine on my VPN network to the DNS server and one from the docker container to the DNS server. Both sent the same query except my machine got a response and the container did not. I am a bit skeptical that it’s purely a VLAN issue, but this DNS server hasn’t had any other issues with other subnets that aren’t dealing with VLANs so when you’ve eliminated the impossible all that remains is the improbable.

  • trauma and ptsd cannot be used interchangeably at all. PTSD is a specific mental condition documented in the DSM-5 and recognized by doctors that have multiple variations and nuances that must be taken into account. Trauma is an overarching term to describe experiences that have had a significant and profound impact on someone’s mental state and health. I’m not usually a crazy stickler for word usage but this is just horribly imprecise language. You can have trauma without having PTSD. They are not the same thing and should not be treated as such.