Been a student. Been a clerk. Been a salesperson. Been a manager. Been a teacher. Been an expatriate. Am a husband, father, and chronicle.

  • 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • 2001 is timeless.

    Political intrigue, technological advancement, piercing the unknown, all drawn on the backdrop of an innocuous, normal exploration mission.

    Until things go awry.

    As directly inspired by 2001, I’d count a bunch of modern classics: Children of Men (2006), Sunshine (2007), Passengers (2016), the Expanse (TV series), and more.

    What Kubrick did write the story with Arthur C. Clarke, slow the pace to reflect the long-haul nature of the mission — let alone the slow pace of human development — and focus on the sheer scale of progress needed to achieve such exploration. He also ensured that the conflict was truly tangible and high-stakes. Simple and human in its genesis, but devastating in its execution. Then, confronting ET intelligence as truly “other.”


  • Assuming right-hand side of road driving and right-hand (anti-clockwise) directionality of travel.

    1. Look left. Clear? Proceed. Not clear? Yield.
    2. When safe to do so, enter the roundabout. Locate your exit.
    3. Exit the roundabout.

    Corollary: never stop in a roundabout. Go around more than once if you have to, but don’t stop.

    I assume roundabouts in Australia and England and UK colonies that drive on the left, all instructions are direction-opposite.

    Assuming left-hand side of road driving and left-hand (clockwise) directionality of travel.

    1. Look right. Clear? Proceed. Not clear? Yield.
    2. When safe to do so, enter the roundabout. Locate your exit.
    3. Exit the roundabout.

    Corollary: never stop in a roundabout. Go around more than once if you have to, but don’t stop.

  • When they were handing out the disaster lunchboxes, I heard a person in line say, “they had better offer alternative milk” as though offering oat, almond, and soy like they were at Starfucks was the priority in a hurricane. I get it. Some people can’t process lactose. My partner can’t. Nor can she handle gluten. She, at the same time, realizes that her dietary needs might play second string to 230 km/h wind and a legit deluge. She took her white bread and cheese sandwich, milk and cereal, banana, and Oreos and dealt with it. She was more concerned with all of us being alive at the end of the day and wanting to help the staff get home to their families.

  • Yes. But, also, it’s not.

    Let me explain.

    The act itself is an exercise in either selfishness, selflessness, or synchronicity. Tuning into another person while still enjoying your own experience can be very challenging.

    Then, there are trust issues. What are your sexual histories? What are your desires or qualms? How will your relationship look after? What if one of you doesn’t like what the other did, said, smelled like, etc.?

    Finally, there’s the social element. Are you exclusive? Are you ok with being exclusive? What do you friends and family think of your sexual partner(s)? Does that matter to you? Are you going to have children? Does that matter to you?

    Selfishness is great for the sex act, but you may not have sex often. I think it’s the road to truly being an incel.

    Selflessness is a great way to get hurt often, but you’ll probably have lots of sex. Some sex addicts turn themselves over to their addiction.

    The hard work is in developing a relationship with yourself, your needs, your partner(s), and their needs. Honesty, clarity, and uncomfortable conversations are all a part of the process.

    When you find someone to experiment with, and there is ENTHUSIASTIC consent, be sure to be clear about what you’re agreeing to. And, for universe’s sake, foreplay is for everyone. Use protection, lubricate appropriately, and check in regularly whether everyone is still having a good time.

    Then, yes. It can be mind-blowingly great.

    Remember, you can do everything right and still not end up having the sex. Live to try another day.