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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • Might have some trouble if it’s a typec dock and the monitors are connected to it. Laptop’s own outputs might also be wonky if there’s a hybrid gpu setup going on, but support for thosr has improved a ton lately. Mkb should work fine out of the box as long as it’s not some unified proprietary bullshit wireless kit with smarfridge integration.

    Overall, I would suggest just ripping an image of ubuntu, or pop_os if you got nvidia card, boot off it, just close the installer to try live mode, and see for yourself if everything works. Takes like an hour to do, no installation required. You can even install software, except gpu drivers, as everything would be all wiped on reboot and gpu drivers need reboot, hence popos suggestion as it has them built-in. You can try remmina on it - it’s the most common remote control software, supports both rdp and vnc and a bunch of other obscure protocols.

  • No, I’m Belarusian.

    1. In case you haven’t noticed, I said “At first glance”
    2. Due to the map being zoomed in a little closer than usual, and because of the omissions of countries borders, it shifts visual appearance of countries towards right. A honest mistake if you ask me, and which I found to be funny, hence the comment.
    3. Why so serious?
    4. What being an American has to do with this? Anyway, I’ll take that as a compliment for my English.

  • I was under impression that his last sentence was for his founding role in ACF which was deemed extremist organization for made up connections to Tatarsky’s bombing, which would make that a terrorism change. But as a refresher I’ve looked up, and in reality they’ve been designated extremists for participation in elections, basically. The official case states that the foundation’s goal was to stage a coup in fashion of Orange Revolution. And now with it, they have a case to put everyone who’s ever been in contact with ACF in prison for 6 years, which they actively exercise. It’s a complete sham, such a corrupt government should not exist in a modern world.

  • There’s an OS you might like. It has no UAC, no file permissions, no sudo nor chmod, as it has no multi-user support, no antivirus and no firewall, no protection rings, not even spectre/meltdown mitigations, and most of all - no guard-rails whatsoever: You can patch the kernel directly at runtime and it won’t even give you a warn. And yet, it is perfectly safe to run. It’s called TempleOS and it achieves such a flawless security by having no networking support whatsoever and barely any support for removable media. If you want a piece a software - you just code it in, manually. You don’t have to check the code for backdoors if it’s entirely written by you… only for CIA at your actual back door…

  • payments/transfers would be both much slower AND much more expensive than via a bank

    Not necessarily. You could have a federated system, where only big players like banks participate in larger blockchain, like banks already do with forex and wire transfers and pay ridiculous fees to clearing agencies, and clear out local transfers locally, possibly inside their own smaller and much faster blockchain.

  • Sure. Here you go. The green container should cover all red boxes in both cases. I’ve been bashing my head against this issue for a while, but, as far as I understand, this is a bug that’s never going to be fixed. Which sucks, because I wanted to re-design some of the apps in the horizontal metro-style scrolling manner for the bottom screen on my zephyrus duo, but this effectively prevents me from doing so (Unless I use grids and set positions manually).