He’s streets ahead
He’s streets ahead
Thank you for sticking up for us.
Sincerely, someone deep in the closet for reasons of personal safety.
Easy on the tini
As an elder millennial I also did not get that one.
I used to work at an animal shelter and as a result have dished up the vast majority of commercially available wet cat foods at some point (we’d get lots of stuff donated to us). At least what’s available where I live. Not gonna lie there have been a few fish ones where they’ve honestly smelled just like a decent fish chowder and I’ve thought ‘you know, in an apocalypse…’. Some are just chunks of mackerel or sardines in sauce and I eat sardines in sauce all the time lol. You’d have to eat a lot of them to get enough calories though. Kitten food is probably the most calorically dense but you won’t get a lot of flavor or texture options, mainly mystery meat pâté.
That makes sense, thanks for teaching me something today :)
I don’t speak Spanish (helpful eh?) but I remember when I was in Mexico I went to a cool place called Xel-Há, which was pronounced shell-ha. So there’s one.
Agree with spider mites, pretty sure I can see webbing between the leaf tips.
Neem will work, so will insecticidal / horticultural soap and it smells less bad. Heck they’re soft-bodied, you could probably spray 50% isopropyl and kill them too. I like the soap because it’s really cheap and safe for pretty much anything without farina / epicuticular wax (I feel like some begonia Rex aren’t a fan either).
This is a good sized infestation so I would recommend starting by rinsing the leaves really well in the shower or with a hose. After debulking the colony, then use insecticide.
Check your other plants too OP! Mites are not particularly particular.
Just workin’ on my night cheese. 🎶
Now it’s over, I’m dead and I haven’t done anything that I want. Or I’m still alive and there’s nothing I wanna do.
I can’t think about how old that song is, it hurts me.
This sounds a lot like the book Kiln People (David Brin). The dittos are born knowing they have specific expiration dates and the original human can decide whether to add the ditto’s memories to their own.
See also: ‘irregardless’. 😤
Homework and learning is for the neurotypical
Homework — sure, not gonna argue with that.
Learning? I object. I know I’m not alone in the neurodiverseiverse when I say that learning is my one unwavering hobby / passion. Every time I become fixated on a new subject the goal is always to learn everything about it. I might go as far as to say that learning is the main thing that makes life seem slightly meaningful, myself. Being ND, I just can’t manage to ever maintain focus long enough to become an expert or a specialist on any one thing but I have gained a general knowledge of a ton of random things instead.
I know a little about a lot of things, not a lot about one or a few things.
You can just say ‘five zero’ and it’ll be interpreted as 50, I just tried it.
I’m conflicted
At first I thought ‘ew’, but then I remembered root beer floats are delicious, but it still seems weird for reasons I can’t explain. Like…I love the milk left in the bowl after eating crunch berries, but I wouldn’t want to buy cereal-flavored milk.
We’re gonna need a lemmysings comm, we’re gonna need a lemmysings comm, we’re gonna need a lemmysings comm ear-ly in the morning.
I bought a pack for the first time in like 10 years, fk it