• 32 Posts
Joined 19 days ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2024


  • dactylotheca@suppo.fiOPtoSuomi@sopuli.xyzKokoomer
    3 hours ago

    No nyt on kireä ote siitä helmikaulakorusta, ja joko mun editti ei vielä näy Sopulin puolella tai sitten sisälukutaidossa on paikattavaa – tässä ny vielä lainaus:

    jos todistettavaa rikosta ei tapahtunut niin voin ihan epäironisesti sanoa että oikeus toteutui

  • My point is, breaking it all up into every slice getting it’s own special name is ridiculous and just confuses people.

    You seriously think it’s less confusing to use a well-established political term incorrectly for everything that’s even a little bit authoritarian, and that calling different systems by their own and well-established terms is confusing? This is just your version of reich-wingers calling everyone to the left of Goebbels a “socialist” because they can’t be bothered to learn about politics.

    And I’m supposedly the dim one here?

  • So you’re saying a “moderate liberal” who supports genocide is more of a fascist than a “tankie”?

    I’m not saying anything like that: you’re saying that.

    What I was saying is that fascism is its own kind of ideology, and although yes it’s been pretty fluid over the years, the hallmarks are authoritarian capitalism, emphasis on private enterprise, social Darwinism (supporting “the strong” and loathing “the weak”), misogyny, and the hatred and outright murder of the Other (jews, foreigners, LGBT+ people, people with the wrong religion, people with no religion, whoever).

    Lots of folks fit the mold even without necessarily realizing it.

    Would you call them “tankie” or fascist?

    A tankie is an authoritarian communist. Your hypothetical person doesn’t seem to support communism nor be a leftist, and it’s kinda hard to say if they’re a fascist or not just based on what you wrote. Fascist-adjacent maybe but 🤷

  • Anyone defending genocide isnt a leftist, not a liberal, a “tankie” or anything else.

    They’re a fascist who doesn’t want to be called a fascist.

    Eh, although I agree in principle, facism isn’t a catch-all term for all authoritarian ideologies. Fascism is essentially corporatist (“corporation” in the poli sci sense, not “ruled by private corporations”) authoritarian capitalism with a big focus on private enterprise, completely against eg. welfare systems or anything like that (because weak people doesn’t deserve to be supported, and if anything need to be killed), highly misogynistic, etc. etc. For example the NSDAP privatized a lot of previously public enterprises, which doesn’t seem to be something a lot of people realize.

    While tankies are authoritarian, they’re still communists or socialists or whatever.

  • TL;DR: watch as I jump from conclusion to conclusion

    Honestly I didn’t even realize you were joking because it’s really hard to tell jokes like that apart from actual idiotic arguments. I’ve been pretty pissed the whole day because reasons so I just assumed the worst and got annoyed.

    Edit: Also, for me the feeling of this meme is more inspired by the recent EU Parliament election and the ongoing French election, although our local extremist right-wing government doesn’t help. We have eg. a literal pedophile neo-Nazi as a minister, our Speaker of the Parliament – who is one of the mass murderer Breivik’s idols by the way – has fantasized about murdering a gay man on his blog, etc. etc. and they’re now ignoring the constitution and international treaties when passing an anti-immigration law, and I wouldn’t put doing an Orbán past this bunch.

  • dactylotheca@suppo.fiOPtoSuomi@sopuli.xyzKokoomer
    5 hours ago

    Niin, selvästi kokivat ettei Junnila edustanut heidän arvojaan riittävän hyvin – ongelma ei ollut uusnatsius, vaan se että hän on pelkästään uusnatsi (no, ainakin niin pitkälti ku tiedämme. Kaapista voi löytyä vaikka minkälaista luurankoa, kirjaimellisestikin)

  • I think a lot of people simply don’t care; even if they didn’t vote for the Face-Eating Leopard Party, they think they’re safe because the leopards have only eaten the faces of people they don’t really personally know or ultimately care all that much about. A generic liberal/centrist may not be an outright 'phobe or racist, but that’s about the extent of their convictions.

    When the leopards start eating the faces of LGBT+ people they’ll go “oh dear this is terrible” when they read about it in the news, maybe make a social media post, feel bad for a while, and then move on with their day.