Damn that’s a lot of Orcs.
IT Nerd of 30yrs and avid hobbiest of genealogy, geology and science in general.
Damn that’s a lot of Orcs.
Toto, in Thai means baby… don’t ask.
You get a menu, you pick the person you want to see, you pick the item (living, dead or inanimate object) and what you want them to do with it; usually a hole.
example of one
I assume you’ve never been to Thailand.
That’s a tame (and already existing) fetish compared to some of the things I’ve seen there.
Free STD with every purchase!
It’s a common dysfunction with Orcs… It can be cured by going home though, in a bag or otherwise.
Invested in 2012, refunded in 2016. Best move I ever made in a game.
Looks like a smudge until you unfocus your eyes anyway.
Stick it in Kimmies eyes and send them to South Korea.
Micros plastics in the body screw with your organs and hormone production, which can lead to things as mild as lower energy levels and increased obesity or as extreme as diabetes, infertility and even cancer.
Fair assessment actually.
Why you’re getting downvoted: Hurricane/Typhoon predictions over a 5 day period have been well over 70% accurate in this decade. It’s not just a guess anymore.
Great until it grabs some skin or hair
“We have made clear for some time that we think the Lebanese government needs to overcome the dysfunction in the system — one of the primary instigators of that dysfunction being the Hezbollah veto over who the next president would be — and elect a president. That remains true,” U.S. State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller said on Thursday.
Hezzbutthollah has too much power over the country of Lebanon. Anything, ANYTHING they, the different sects that run the government of Lebanon can do to weaken that power from inside is good news for the people of Lebanon.
Cloud? Neva heard of it! AI is where the money is at now.
Buzzwords, that’s all they are.
vim with global ls_colors and dircolors kinda user huh? Nothing wrong with that.
On a default install on NP++ you can only save as rtf, but there are addable plugins that give some rtf functionality. So as a direct answer, no, it doesn’t, but it can.
If you can grow your own tomatoes, give Amish Paste Heirlooms a try.
They grow small, but a single plant can produce hundreds of low acidity balanced tomato fruits that are perfect for pasta sauce.