• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023

  • Both of you are wrong: patents, patent law, and other forms of state-granted monopoly don’t really have much to do with capitalism at all. They are examples of state intervention in the economy, and if anything, they are more aligned with socialist policies typical of a mixed market. (Although in a ‘true’ socialist country, the monopoly would be granted to the state itself, so arguably patents are not socialist either). Perhaps calling them “statist” would be the most accurate description.

    At any rate, I think there are certainly some positives to such legally enforced monopolies. However, there are many glaring problems that you don’t have to look far to find.

    The biggest issue for me is the belief that someone is capable of ‘owning’ an idea/thought. I find this to be completely ridiculous and in direct contradiction with free speech, free expression, and actual physical property rights.

    I also find the idea that nobody would innovate or create if they couldn’t apply for a state-sponsored monopoly completely laughable. You are using a platform right now that intentionally does not use any of these powers and actually goes as far as to give a free license to anybody to use, modify, copy, and redistribute their design, which they openly publish.

    Of course, not all businesses would have to follow this model. In a world free of patents and IP restrictions, businesses and individuals would simply have to take their own information security more seriously, ensuring not to leak sensitive data and using legal tools like NDA’s to protect themselves when seeking funding or collaborating with other businesses, etc.

    Once the product goes to market, it’s fair game for others to inspect, copy, and improve on the design. I think this is completely reasonable and the only ethical solution.

    The idea that you could be granted a total monopoly, protected by state violence, on any idea, let alone a life-saving medication or an important safety feature, is just bizarre and abhorrent to me.

  • Yeah for sure, it’s pretty fucked. Hopefully I can do my banking through a web browser if my bank ever decides to pull some dumb shit like that.

    One thing that really fucks me off, are schools requiring students to use proprietary nonfree software. Windows, adobe, MS office, etc

    IMO all schools should be using desktop Linux, and teaching students on free and open source software.

    It respects student freedom and privacy, and doesn’t unfairly punish the less financially fortunate. On top of that, it teaches students important lessons about sharing and collaboration. Imagine what the FOSS movement might look like if free and open source became the standard in education.

  • Debrid is scummy, it hit and runs torrents without seeding. It makes torrenting worse for everybody. Only 1 debrid service I know of seeds, and it only does it for 72 hours.

    This is yet another reason why public trackers are getting worse and worse.

    Torrenting only works if people seed after downloading. Please consider getting a VPN with port forwarding (I use proton), and seed your torrents. (Depending on your country you probably don’t even need a VPN, but it’s wise to use one anyway).

    If you want to direct download, consider a seedbox instead. There are probably good options for streaming directly from your seedbox too, but I haven’t investigated.

  • Well, I wouldn’t recommend anyone who doesn’t have basic computer knowhow try and install a custom rom on their expensive new phone.

    But outside of hurdle of getting the custom rom loaded, I don’t think you need to be techie to appreciate or use LineageOs (even with microg).

    It’s true that you make some sacrifices when changing to a custom rom. But you are already making significant sacrifices by NOT using one.

    Consider the sacrifice of having to create and sign in to multiple accounts when you set up your phone. The sacrifice of not being able to uninstall preloaded bloatware/spyware/adware. The sacrifice of your privacy as Google, Samsung, and a dozen other proprietary apps harvest and sell all your personal information. The sacrifice of your sanity and freewill, as you are bombarded with manipulative targetted advertisements. The sacrifice of not being able to modify, control, or even inspect many aspects of the behavior of your own device. The sacrifice of not actually owning the device that you paid for.

    So yeah, my custom rom doesn’t (quite) have the polish of a flagship OS (then again, can you really call an OS that comes preloaded with a bunch of unremovable bloatware polished?). But all those features you listed are basically just fluff, and most people who aren’t hardcore consoomers probably wouldn’t even notice the difference.

    I’m not willing to sacrifice my privacy, be exposed to advertising, and have multiple big tech companies control and monitor the use of my device, just to have a camera thats 10% clearer and some ‘HDR enhancements’ etc.

    I think that there are many, many non-techie people who would agree with this. But simply buy the latest Samsung or whatever because they don’t think they have a choice, or are scared because they think it will be too different and they will get stuck if they try something else.

    LOS by itself is perfectly good and usable by anyone, in fact its probably more suitable to non techies than Samsung is, thanks to the clean UX, and lack of bloat.

    LOS with MicroG is also completely usable by most non techies. It just comes with the caveat that certain apps just won’t work, no matter what. That’s obviously an actual sacrifice and people should know in advance before they try it. But most stuff works great, and people who are willing to do a little digging can often find an alternative or a workaround.

    At any rate, I don’t think I was really trying to recommend to non-techies in my original post. I figure most people on Lemmy right now are probably somewhat technically inclined, interested in moving away from big corporate tech platforms, and willing to try new things even if they might lack a little polish.

  • I highly recommend lineageOS, or better yet lineageOS with microg.

    Running a completely degoogled android phone right now, and it feels smooth as butter. Microg has gotten so good, the vast majority of playstore apps work completely fine even without Google services, including things like my banking apps.

    Feels liberating as fuck, not gonna lie.

    Only apps that don’t work for me are ones that require IaP’s. About 30% of those I can crack with LuckyPatcher. I can also crack other paid apps with license protection.

    Mostly I havent needed to do any of that though, because I’ve found that there are so many great open source apps that do the things I need.

  • I know it’s incredibly unpopular to agree with anything that Elon Musk says or does these days. But I actually have some moderately high hopes for this.

    Elon has always been a voice of reason and caution in the field of AI, and has been fighting to keep AI ethical since long before AI made the public spotlight.

    I don’t know the details of the events leading up to Elon’s departure from OpenAi, and we can only speculate as to what would have happened if he hadn’t left. (I’m sure some of you would speculate that he would run the company into the ground like twitter).

    But what I can say, is that I was (and still am) extremely disappointed to see OpenAi become a closed-source & for profit venture, doing billion dollar dealings with Microsoft. This spits in the face of the initial vision of the company, and they are no longer deserving of having the word ‘Open’ in their name.

    I have some major concerns that AI is now missing its top ‘ethical’ player, right as the race explodes. We sorely need a strong voice of reason in the industry, that can help push through sensible laws that simultaneously enable AI, whilest protecting the public from gross overreaches by Silicon Valley.

    Now as for Elon’s new project: I certainly have a healthy dose of scepticism. I doubt it will be anything close to what OpenAi once promised to be. But I’d still put more faith in it being a ‘responsible’ AI, than anything developed or funded by Google, Meta, Amazon, or Microsoft.

  • Google is an ad company. To them, a web browser is nothing more than a tool for collecting user data and delivering ads.

    When you use a chromium based browser you are allowing google, an ad company, to decide what the future of web browsing should look like. And this is the result.

    Firefox is the ONLY browser which is genuinely competing with google. Do you think ad and tracking blockers are going to get better or worse once they die out, and literally every major browser is running on chromium?

    Use firefox and u-block origin. Enjoy a superior, ad free, browsing experience, and support the future of an open web.

  • This is the real answer I think. Users should be treated like adults who are capable of determining by themselves what content they are comfortable with seeing.

    If I don’t want to see an extremist political community on my feed, I block that community myself. If an instance is full of such communities, I block that instance myself.

    I don’t want or need some other random on the internet to make judgement calls on what content I can or cannot interact with.

    Defederation is a tactical nuke, that if used incorrectly will destroy the freedom, decentralization and openness of Lemmy, and replace it with a far more centralized series of walled gardens.

    I fear that people are trying to recreate the reddit model on Lemmy. Lemmy is not reddit, Lemmy is better than reddit. Reddit is top down, Lemmy is bottom up. We don’t need more mod control, we need more user control.

    I would love to see more features built for user moderation of content. Perhaps I could subscribe to another users blocklist, or follow their ‘recommended communities’. Instances themselves could maintain suggested block lists, and users could chose to enable or disable them at their own discretion.

    Honestly, I’m not sure that defederation has any place at all. Even things like spam and bot instances I think would be better handled by a blocklist (enabled by default even), that users can turn on or off as they see fit.