• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • It seems to me that Valve despite all the criticism it receives for the high fee on the sales of copies is doing a terrific job on resolving that problem.

    The only issue I have with this is that Valve seems to be the only company that gets this critique, yet they seem to provide way more services for said 30% fee.

    Apple started charging 30% on everything over two decades ago with iTunes, which continued into their app store in 2008. They only recently started a “small business program” that is application based, reportedly unresponsive to the users, and by default still charges 30% to app developers making under $1m in revenue. So, instead of making it based on how much you earn, they force you to apply and ignore you, effectively still making it a 30% base rate. IMO, sort of predatory since they don’t really advertise the program. I feel like if it mattered to them, they would automatically apply the rate to >$1m revenue, instead of making it per-app (or dev account) application based and letting users sit in limbo wondering if they were accepted or not.

    Google takes 30% as well, also having introduced a 15% on the first million of revenue for subscription based payments, so if I understand correctly, it’s not even individual sales getting that lowered rate. Oh, but don’t worry, in case you were worried music streaming services can go as low as 10% rates, so if you have a datacenter that you can stream licensed music to app users over well hey, you’re in luck little guy!

    Microsoft actually moved down from 30% entirely to 12%, it looks like. They don’t really offer much, so good on them for that. Know your worth, am I right? But it’s only for PC sales, which seems kind of odd considering the hassle it can be to apply and develop for the Xbox. So, not as good, but still alright. Meanwhile, Sony and Nintendo… (30%). Hm, odd that it never seems to be raised as an issue for the consoles, oh well.

    All of these were pushed by Epic who was mad they couldn’t make more money off their mobile game, except Microsoft which I think just followed suit. But from the backend when you look at what each of these services offer for their costs… It’s a bit laughable that Valve is the one getting critiqued for this point when they offer at least double the amount of services to the publisher/developer. In short, these fees cover the cost of a bunch of background junk as well as to generate some revenue for the store selling it, but don’t offer much else in terms of support for the users or the developers. Meanwhile the Steam Overlay can completely change your controller scheme, use community templates, access to per-game notes, all of which can be transparently overlaid on your game if you want, and the Steam Workshop for internal modding/community content, in addition to whatever other peripheral things like cloud saving, in-home/remote streaming and remote play together, the recently added recording feature, and generating as many Steam keys as the dev wants for certain purposes.

    I just do a double take everytime I see it not being directed at the companies that actually do seem to be abusing their fees and don’t offer nearly as much feature presence. Like Valve seems to be attempting to innovate, even if they are just taking ideas from things like Moonlight, and Parsec. They didn’t lock it down either, you can jank it up by playing Non-Steam games or emulated games via Remote Play Together with your friends. Ever wanted to relive the days of DoubleDash? Did Slippi not exist in this timeline and you wanted to play Smash Melee with a friend?

    Like, there’s things to complain about for Valve. But is the 30% for what they offer really unreasonable, especially when compared to current competitors? I personally don’t think so. If Epic wants to start making their launcher as fully fledged as Steam is then we can talk. Until then, when I see this argument presented I have a hard time reading it as anything but “big Valve bad” with the subtle implication that Epic is the saving grace of the gaming industry. Otherwise, Epic is able to offer 12% because they don’t host nearly as much for the user, and have had to actively rely on Valve for things like community support, VR support, and don’t have basic things like repair game installations, or re-installing a game in its folder (you know, to prevent having to redownload 90+gb every time their launcher breaks the game). It’s also hard to see them as a good guy when they also have had shady practices, such as not paying out devs per claim during the “Free Claim” giveaways, but rather only upon when the user actually downloads the game. In addition to that, they just throw tons of money at you to make it exclusive, then they ghost you and good luck getting any actual support from them if you need something.

    Tl;Dr hypocrisy of picking what 30% fees are okay and which are screwing over game developers, I look at it from the perspective of received services for said fee.

    P.S. to OP of comment, I am merely responding to you, I know your comment isn’t saying that Valve or any of these companies are at fault for it. Franky, I don’t think 30% is an issue if the fee that’s taken has fair returns for it, and I think this whole fandango is only an “issue” at all because of mad old Tim Sweeny.

  • We get it, you’re a Trump supporter. I’m glad you felt safe during his presidency, unfortunately an easy 45% of the American population (queer and minority groups) did not feel this way and were vilified by Trump and his supporters during his presidency, so that “assassination” attempt that definitely wasn’t staged somehow changes your mind against all the violence that his party has promoted? All the hatred and vitriol he created just poof wiped away because supposedly a leftist “shot a pellet” at him, which is an assassination attempt?

    Come off it. By supporting Trump you know what you stand for and what you’re promoting, and you should know all the awful things he’s said about veterans too, but that doesn’t seem to matter since you’ve only expressed contempt for Biden doing it. And the VA under Trump? As if, absolutely laughable. Yeah the VA under Trump did a great job for my grandpa struggling with lung cancer. They did a great job for my grandma after his passing. The VA is and has been junk, Trump did nothing for it.

    Don’t act like being against Genocide Joe is some true path to Democracy. Trump will kill more Palestinian’s in a year through his rhetoric to his supporters alone all while helping Isreal even more. Sanctions wouldn’t even be a discussion, like they have been under Biden. I honestly am appalled that anyone could see the events of 2016-2020 and think that Trump would make these peoples lives safer (U.S. Palestinians). We even have a prime example of him floundering aid to Ukraine, and it’s definitely not like Trump would have had any impeding motives help Ukraine against Russia.

    If you think Trump will help make your life better when he’s president, he won’t, so you can stop defending him and giving him the benefit of the doubt.

  • AMD has been really solid. I’ve built a number of PC’s and there’s I’ve never run into an issue with the CPU’s. the R5 2600, 3600, and R7 5800 and 5800x are all surprisingly efficient chips out of the box, but I played around with each and found even crazier undervolt settings. My server PC draws practically nothing except if there’s something using the (NVIDIA) GPU extensively (and even then it’s like, oh no, is it almost 75 watts? better call the fire brigade! lmao).

    And obviously the R7 5800x is just a monster, although I’ve consistently seen that it runs hot but… I air cool mine and it’s never really going above 85c when under full load on stock, and if you play with undervolting at all it’s pretty easy to keep the exact same performance while lowering the total power delivered. Although I’ve found that it goes up to 85c still and the chip just runs faster…

  • Man I started getting nervous because I bought a bunch of parts to upgrade my partners PC. Couldn’t remember what Intel CPU I got cause I’m not as familiar with them.

    12600KF, I’m safe phew.

    On the topic, this is sad to hear because I’ve been waiting for the hat to drop on Intel’s turn-around. Moving to stateside manufacturing, the developments of some of the new tech that is available I’ve felt like they’re somewhat well poised to start shifting their lackluster goals and performance stagnation.

    The news of this muddles that feeling a bit for me. Issues like this, especially if they are known beforehand and shipped out anyway, speak to a wider issue in the company.

  • Unfortunately games are only one part of the problem. I just tried getting some Windows software up and running on my Steam Deck and it was a hours of hassle only to end up not even working anyway.

    Is Serato DJ worth investing time into? No, probably not really. Would it have been nice for it to have worked? Yes, that’s sort of the point of computers ability, to be used.

    I’m glad so many games are working, so I hope more software support comes along!

  • How did you get banned? Or why do you think, I mean. I was worried about that too but I took all the precautions and I’m still able to use it today if I want to. I do have a 1.0 switch though so it’s just the rcm jig.

    The only issue I had in the whole process was animal crossing. Every other save seemed to transfer over fine which was cool.

    Also to be more honest - only like 85% of my switch emulated games were perfect, but over time these games are just getting better and better. My go to example was at launch of all of this, Marvels Ultimate Alliance 3 was pretty broken, it worked but the textures were all wonky. Just a few months later it was way better, and by now it’s basically perfect. I’ve almost completed my playthrough of that game (how many years later…)

  • Until the Steam Deck I was also a PC+Nintendo person.

    The great thing about Nintendo consoles was that their library of games covers 80% of games available on other consoles if you want them. Otherwise, you could easily never surpass more than 25 games, all of which could easily only be Nintendo games.

    For a fairly long time there was just no need for anything else, as something about the Nintendo exclusives felt more reasonable than the PSN/MS exclusives. Probably something to do with them generally being cheaper and more unique games, or maybe just that the price of the console isn’t as high so it doesn’t feel as “exclusive”, even though they are.

    For example, looking at how PSN uses their games to really sell buying into their console; Spider-Man, Horizon Zero Dawn are examples of games that did so well Sony was almost forced to let them come to PC, somewhat thanks to Microsoft. Or how these companies are trying to sell games for versions of their consoles - Sorry, you bought the PS3 and 4 version, you’ll have to upgrade for the PS5 one! No no, this company is good because they gave the game you paid for already to you again for free!

    I haven’t bought a Switch game since I got my Steam Deck and hacked my Switch so I could dump the games I own.

    Now I have a PC console that has my entire gaming library consolidated. Bonus: a majority of the games play better emulated. Cons: missing internet on games (and including it would only be hacked servers). And before this point, the only games I ever repurchased were ones I wanted to support the devs of, Doom 2016, Monster Hunter: Rise, Crypt of the Necrodancer.

  • My concept of self driving cars has always been external navigation from a grid.

    An individual car self driving is useless for all of these reasons mentioned. However, a self driving car that is controlled as part of a wider grid? Now we’re talking. You input your destination and relative to everything currently on the road you are moved. If a wider issue like a meteor comes in, the grid goes down and traffic stops safely. If someone tries to game the system by standing in front of a car, the grid has control of the other vehicles as well. Some other benefits could be redesigning the use of tires for fewer microplastics, and there would have to weigh out the difference of gas vs. electricity costs. Ideally, each vehicle is powered by the grid so no more gas stations, but electricity comes from somewhere, so unless we move towards renewables then it may not have less emissions.

    Obviously the drawback to this is the insane privacy imposition of the grid controlling where you go. The infrastructure would also be likely impossible as it would be the grid and the vehicles. But, if we were going to do it I feel like this would be on track towards the right way.

    Now that I’m grown, I feel like a more feasible version of this is this sort of grid for local busses, as well as trucking and long-distance travel (aka trains) and getting local towns and cities to focus more on walkability. This works towards solving the problem of getting fewer vehicles on the road while not limiting people’s freedom to travel. Unfortunately it’s the same problem of infrastructure and no one will invest in this.

  • I feel like this is looking at it from the wrong perspective… Looking at it like that, it is just trying to use a service in a way that it isn’t intended. Don’t get me wrong, I’m super anti-subscription and anti-gamepass, but I don’t feel like much of MS Gamepass is trying to sell you on having these games forever. It’s a way to let you try a library of games that you might not have felt was worth paying for individually – I have almost no interest in playing the next Battlefield games, but with Gamepass I can try out Jedi Survivor alongside however many other games I want to check out.

    It’s a more straightforward Playstation Plus, with much less of that vibe of trying to get you to keep paying on a fear of missing out on “free” games that you’re paying monthly to own. Both of these digital storefronts are selling you the exact same premise, but promote them in different ways. PSN says hey, you get 2 games a month for paying for online services, and they stack. (I think now it’s actually a PSN library, similar to MS though?). MS says hey, you get 40+ games a month for paying for our subscription, and you get a discount if you want to buy one.

    If I actually like one of the games, the cost of the subscription is removed from the total price of the game, effectively meaning if there are 2 games you like enough to buy, the subscription is somewhat worth it if you don’t mind having it tied to Microsoft.

    Basically, Gamepass isn’t supposed to replace your main game library, it’s a digital game rental service. Yes, you absolutely can rent out a single game, or even 30 games, for the next 10 years. And everyone would judge you for making that poor decision to rent them for that long, when you could have bought it with the discount. Should companies be able to offer something that the consumer can ignore and get screwed over by? I’m not sure. Probably not. But I also don’t think I can really call this scummy, unlike some of their other moves. If in 10 years someone’s library only consists of games played through Gamepass, and they are afraid to unsubscribe… How many games would that realistically be? The Gamepass library isn’t that large, nor has it rotated that many games.

    Again, very anti-subscription and overall anti-Gamepass, but I think in this example it’s kind of on the person if they choose to rent a game for the next 10 years. If you like the game, why not buy it? Why would this person be locked into paying for Gamepass for so long? Because their account has other games they may or may not decide to play at any given time? I personally just don’t see the issue for this particular case, unless I’m missing something or not understanding where you’re coming from with it.

  • I graduated in 2013 and my first two years of highschool we lost our extracurricular classes, music and theater, which only came back in my senior year, so I definitely understand that. My class was on the cusp, as now schools bring in programs like the one I work with in order to teach them music and theater. It is not nearly the same as an actual course.

    I think the examples you mention have been exacerbated by the changes made during Sec. Of Education’s Betsy DeVoss time, which some states have really shined to, so I think this is something that varies widely by region. California instituted few of the national policies outside of the leniencies on homeschooling curriculums, so so just like California in 2016, some states in 2020 are doing the same by igno, and these states that have weaker support for education have suffered immensely. I cannot even imagine what the landscape looks like in Arizona, Texas, the Carolina’s/Dakota’s, Florida.

    In that regard I definitely don’t disagree, but I’ve noticed that our current Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona, the pushes have been trying to make public schools more able to deal with the problems they have on their own - here’s money set aside, here’s better Internet for your schools… Meanwhile, Ron DeSantis just cut funding for arts programs entirely in Florida.

    So if the states don’t want the help and avoid the wider national policies put in place to help them, I really have to wonder how much of it is regional microcosms that are actively trying to impede on the public education system from being effective. Or rather, a branch of our government that doesn’t want to educate people. To that end, I don’t think the education system should be dismantled and I don’t think the original commenter necessarily does either. It’s clearly flawed since not even 2 different states, but 2 different local counties have wildly different experiences, just based on the county’s school board and how rich the area may happen to be.

    From personal experience, John F. Kennedy high school, or “Jail For Kids”, in my freshman year I witnessed our senior class try and join the U.C. Berkeley College walkouts, which resulted in a student getting tased when an altercation between a student and an officer happened resulting in a stampede, which the tasing prevented. I mentioned the lockdowns, but not that it wasn’t entirely uncommon for them to last over 2 hours after the end of the day, but we couldn’t leave due to safety concerns. My sophomore year we had metal detectors installed at the entrance (due to students bringing guns on campus). So I definitely understand how easily it has shifted into what you’re talking about with your partners experience.

    I just wonder how much of the changes are in areas where education isn’t something that matters to the politicians making the local policy. I know for a fact that some areas are unaffected entirely, my friends ritzy high school in Malibu and my local highschool in Orinda for rich white students are still making kids doctors and senators both in the top 400 schools in the U.S.

    I don’t know what solution there is, other than making all aspects of education the most imperative factor to the success of the U.S. Clearly that’s not of interest, but I can’t trust homeschooling either because of how heavily co-opted it has become by the anti-vax/alt right crowd, and that every homeschooled child I worked with in California were not on the same level as their peers and didn’t have basic foundations – high schoolers who are struggling with sentence structure.

    And I know literacy has become an even more widespread issue through and post-covid, but if homeschooling is the answer to combat it and the students I’ve met are even further behind… Granted, I’m just one person in one area and I don’t expect this to be how it is everywhere, but anytime I hear about it online, the people working with homeschooled children say they’re struggling and the people trying to homeschool their kids are complaining about the state requirements. It just doesn’t give me a lot of hope.

    Anyway, I went on a bit of a tangent. I agree with your last sentence entirely, I’ve just also seen the damage that not caring about phones in class has had on the students. Post Covid screen dependency is an ongoing symptom of a wider issue though, and I agree that restriction of them at all isn’t the solution.

    My personal stance has always been accountability to the individual, so if you’re using it in class for work then I’m fine with it. That means, using it when it’s appropriate and practicing self control/focus by limiting what you do on the device. This inherently forces the students to not have it at specific times, while encouraging using all the tools at their disposal. And if a student is playing around on their phone, I ask them to leave the class or write their notes by hand for the rest of it.

    It’s okay to get bored or get distracted, and it’s okay for a teacher to set a reasonable boundary. We are an outside program, so the students 97% of the time want to be there and a majority of the time have no reason to be on their phone in the first place (are you really going to be texting while dancing, acting, or playing an instrument?). But full on authoritarianism is never the way, it’s frustrating that it’s like… the go to solution instead of doing the work to figure out what needs to be changed.