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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023

  • Scripting is the closest thing to magic I’ve seen in real life. Wave your hand over the script and poof, a job is done.

    I automated so much at my last job I usually never “worked” more than a half hour a day. I am not a programmer, but I slowly learned enough Excel functions and VBA, then simple batch files and some AutoHotkey. Since it was only stuff for my job I needed to learn to program for, it took much less time than learning to program for any situation. Also much of your work is going to be relatively the same as many others’ work, so there is a lot of code out there you can lift from and tweak until you learn to build it from scratch.

  • When browsing in All or similar, there’s a non-zero chance of coming across things that can be offensive, explicit, or disgusting. You shouldn’t encounter anything pornographic or where people die or get horribly injured, but that is my only expectation.

    I browse in thumbnail view for that reason. It’s enough to see if I want to see a full image, if it’s not something I want to see, I didn’t get hit full blast by it, and if it’s something I don’t want people around to see at that moment, it’s much harder for them to see it and faster to scroll past.

    When you select a sort that pulls from every community, it’s you asking to see everything. Death, injury, and private parts are about the only things the bulk of society can agree are at least somewhat offensive, so those are the only things you should expect to see blocked by a NSFW filter. Lewd, gross, and offensive are still free to pass, for better or worse. That’s the Internet culture has existed for most of its existence and feels pretty universal in my experience.

  • I’m in agreement with others in that a British guy isn’t the best choice and also that anything resembling voter intimidation isn’t what we need.

    I think Lincoln would be a better character to choose as a mask. He’s an American hero, and due to party on one hand and actions on the other, it adds anonymity as to the affiliation of the wearer as both sides of the political fence hold him up as virtuous.

    I just finished up a biographical podcast of George Orwell, and much was discussed about him being used symbolically by both the right and left. I feel Lincoln fits the same circumstances, being the first Republican president, though his actions fit more to the current left. If we see a return of the loss of habeus corpus, that’s be another thing they’d have in common. I don’t want to be right on that though…

  • I was excited to see it’s someone different than who I thought this article would be about. I heard a similar story about breaking down synthetic fibers to their original components, making them (infinitely?) reusable, not just for recycled fiber, but as new fiber. The process in this story seems to save natural fiber as well, so there’s at least 2 groups working on different methods, so success is more likely, I hope.

    Circ - Our Technology

    How I Built This Podcast with Guy Raz • Episode 551 • Threading the future of circular fashion with Peter Majeranowski of Circ

    Over one hundred billion garments will be produced this year, but they don’t have to be.

    Peter Majeranowski says we have all the clothes we need to make all the clothing we’ll ever need, and his company, Circ, has pioneered the technology to prove it.

    This week on How I Built This Lab, Peter shares how trying to create fuel from tobacco unintentionally led to the creation of a different material — pulp that could go back to the beginning of the supply chain and close the loop on fast fashion. Plus, the future of sustainability in the industry and the impact brands can have on the environment simply by changing their fabric sources.

  • I love the Aeropress. I don’t know if I’ve ever been able to make a bad cup with it. It seems so forgiving, yet you can really dial in a recipe at the same time.

    My baseline recipe is 20g of coffee ground on the Encore (18 for light, 16 for med, 10 for espresso) and 200 ml water just off boil. Mix inverted for 2 min, stirring 3 or 4 times. Add 150 ml hot water in cold weather or right from the tap in hot water.

    The only other brewer I bother with now is the OXO pour over, which is a good hands off brewer that makes me a very satisfying and consistent cup without the involvement of the Aeropress. It makes what it makes though. I use the same 20g coffee ground at 16-18, unbleached filters, and all 350 ml of water at once. I typically get evenly brewed grounds, but if I’m feeling so inclined I’ll check it’s getting all the coffee evenly, but whether I touch it or not, I feel I get the same result, so it’s more piece of mind than taste that is affected.

  • It wasn’t drawn to be explicit, just as gags, but there was top and bottom nudity. Pants splitting, tops falling off, people landing in compromising positions, that kind of stuff. Any part where you would have seen anything was covered with a character face “sticker” instead of a censor type bar. There was nothing romantic or sexual story-wise, but it is stuff that would not normally be broadcast on tv.

    To me it’s just a comedy/gag manga. I mainly kept reading for the potato puns after a certain point. The characters are pretty one dimensional and there isn’t any character growth, but it’s alright for what it is. It was short enough to read all of it that I didn’t regret reading it. It was kind of nice seeing different body types represented, and they’re drawn to be suggestive, but at the same time, they were all mainly treated as bits, so to me, that cancels out a lot of what it could have been. There’s nothing I’d call real health tips, there’s no body positivity, and there’s nothing really suggestive enough you couldn’t find better elsewhere just as easily, so I’m not sure the overall point of it. But if you want a short series with likeable but dull unorthodox characters with some ok jokes, it does that, but if you went a few chapters and it didn’t grab you, you won’t be missing out IMO.

  • Thanks for sharing these. There has really been a bunch of good to come out of this administration. Much of it isn’t flashy stuff that gets talked about, but there is a lot that really should be important to a lot of people.

    I think Biden has exceeded most expectations many of us had for him. There are always going to be things presidents do that we won’t agree with. Obama was also pretty crappy with immigrants, drone strikes, and a number of other things, but it seems we’re able to look back at his terms as a net positive. If Biden didn’t have to clean up after Trump and Covid, I think he could have been a very memorable president.

    Don’t get me wrong, I’m very pissed about Gaza and the border, but Gaza is a result of almost 100 years of bad policy of many parties, and the number of regular people still bitching about false immigration stories is pressuring all representatives to be harsh on that. We can only expect a president to do so much if a large swath of Congress and the people themselves are against something.

  • Lemon does sound like it’d be a lot of sour in addition to the vinegar itself.

    I used powdered ginger and thought fresh grated would be the way to go. I also feel it’d be easier to strain it if the final drink.

    Overall I thought it was good though. I gave some to my girlfriend not telling her what it was and she thought it was some vile beer type thing that went bad. 😆

    I’d absolutely drink it again though. With some tweaks it’d be really good. I am solidly pro switchel.