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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 15th, 2023

  • While I do agree with you, I also see twitch, TikTok and Patreon presenting models that are quite competitive with YouTube.

    From a privacy perspective, free junk content like TikTok, YouTube and twitch will always be hard coupled with targeted advertising.

    But Patreon (and onlyfans for that matter) do offer a model that can work without ads.

    In fact, if Patreon also introduced an ad-supported tier and allowed you to more broadly see other content aside from the direct person you sponsor, it could probably grow quite a lot.

  • That’s going to be very difficult to achieve. Anything below the Berne convention is a legal impossibility.

    What I think should happen, is that digital preservation should become a recognized fair use.

    For example, digital content should be offered without DRM and at minimum price to recognized libraries for archival purposes.

    If this is not done, the libraries may break the DRM themselves.

    As soon as the copyright holder stops offering the content at reasonable prices to the public, the libraries are free to lend out the DRM-free content to the public.

    And when the copyright term expires and the works enter the public domain, the libraries may immediately offer the DRM-free copies to the public.

    The advantage of such a scheme is that it only requires one country to legally mandate it. And that country will not be in violation of the Berne convention or other treaties.

  • I know a lot of people don’t like the American First Past the Post system, but to be honest, even in a proportional system like here in the Netherlands, you end up with very similar dynamics.

    Truth is, progressives are always a small minority, in every country. Because they are always ahead of the curve on change.

    In the US, this means that you only get a handful of progressives in the most progressive districts and never a really progressive national government.

    In the Netherlands, this means progressives are always represented, but need to compromise to form a government. And often, they even get skipped and the centrist and conservative parties form a coalition.

    Truth be told, Biden is as progressive as you could hope to get in the USA.

    And, while I do think it is important to criticize him - and even threaten to not vote for him - to enable him to move more towards the left, it is also important to vote for him.

    Progressives always win, not through getting majorities, but because they have the right ideas and eventually the other parties catch up to them.

    For recent examples, gay marriage in the USA or marihuana legalization are now law in the USA.

    I am 100% confident that American policy on Israel will also shift thanks to progressive voices. And it will not require a progressive majority.