Hail the Omnissiah! Praise be to the machine-god.

  • 43 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023

  • The hype around AI is being used to justify mass layoffs,

    Ban stock buybacks, abolish non-competes, fine the CEO and major stockholders personally for layoffs.

    The foundation models consume a huge amount of energy. The more impressive you want it to be,

    Nuclear power, renewables, carbon tax

    As these tools are used more and more, they’re going to end up “learning” from content created by themselves instead of something that’s closer to a ground truth.

    Not really our problem it is their problem.

    Given the cost and nature of these tools, they’re likely to yield the most benefit to moneyed interests that want to automate the systems that maintain their power and wealth.

    Restore the fairness doctrine limit the ability of groups like Sinclair.

    Got any other impossible to solve issues let me know.

  • A control panel for a loader that a factory worker should be able to use is as complex as a workflow on a computer can be. And that’s very explicitly accounting for the fact that loader’s or lift’s control panel doesn’t change every fucking day and the user remembers it, so computer UIs should be simpler than those of lifts and loaders!

    I design control panels. I try to keep the workflow consistent not because I see value in it, but because some asshole decided that they didn’t want to pay for retraining. Really I don’t care, having to retool slightly every decade or so is pretty reasonable. Especially given that the tech is always changing.