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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 14th, 2023


  • Do you know who these global elite are and how exactly they exert their control? My conspiracy theory alarm bells are goin off lol. Also how does lowering prescription drug prices not address some “real need” of some portion of the public? Not to mention the infrastructure bill which put a ton of money towards renewable energy, which is a step towards stopping global warming… You may argue these steps aren’t proportional to what actually needs to be done, but looking pragmatically its kinda hard to do really good stuff when half the country (and thus half the legislature) is whipped into a populist fervor, which you seem to also support given the main thing populists hate are the elite!)

  • Afaict there is no definitive proof or conviction of SA. All evidence available comes from Pieke and exurb1a doesn’t seem to want to publicly engage with the accusations. Here is a third perspective that covers the most relevant pieces of evidence. It looks bad for exurb1a and the evidence to me seems to show some level of manipulation and drug-related bad behavior on his part, but as always, for any severe accusation, it is good to trust victims, but one should also withhold definitive judgement on the accused until proven guilty (either by undeniable evidence or legal proceeding).

  • You are literally the kind of liberal smuglord this meme is about.

    Forgive me, but I couldn’t resist the opportunity to engage in some liberal smuglordery :P

    I want a society where the capitalist class is abolished, so that it no longer leeches off the labor of the working class.

    Very cool goal! I wish you luck. However, to achieve your goals you must be rational and pragmatic. The situation in the context of this thread is thus: we have for-profit company Framework making laptops that are highly repairable, friendly to third party mods, and open source software (all things I hope we all agree are “good”). We also have the rest of the industry, most of which are also for-profit which does not do these things. I view the rhetorically pragmatic choice here, given the assumption that Framework contributes to some higher individual utility compared to anything else, is to support their mission, as opposed to dissing them as that in theory may put people off and they may stay with the less ethical companies instead. Or start your own laptop company that’s even better than framework and then diss them ;)

  • The context of the post is someone trying to get someone else fat. The context of the comment you replied to is talking about how sugar would be a better than fat towards that goal. Sugar is relevant because while you are correct that if you ate an additional equal weight of fats vs sugars, assuming equality of nutrient absorption, the person who ate additional fats would in theory gain weight. The issue here is that this theory does not reflect reality well enough. In reality, we observe patterns like how eating sugar will make you hungrier, causing you to eat more overall, and potentially creating a self-reinforcing cycle of weight gain. This argument is why people are talking about sugar and why it is relevant to the conversation’s context.