Proud anti-fascist & bird-person

  • 63 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Oh I know. I’m not really talking to them, I’m talking about them.

    They have a completely different set of values, one not based on morality but instead in power.

    They believe everything in politics is zero-sum: if there is a liberation movement or somebody gets a right recognized that should have been all along they see it as a loss for those who have privilege.

    There is a reactionary streak running through all of American history: from the slaveholders who went to war to defend their human property to the America First movement in the 30’s to the KKK’s terror campaigns all the way through the neo-cons and the MAGA fascists.

    There’s a reason why they want to confuse the issue, and my policy is that when reactionaries tell you what they don’t like there’s a reason to keep doing it; It’s why they banned the word “fascist” here for a while: they know what they are, but don’t want it said aloud.

  • Fascism is a right-wing reactionary movement that takes power by subverting democracy.

    You know you’re lying, but you do it anyway because reactionaries only care about appearing to win an argument.

    We’ve had this discussion before, and you keep lying because you’re a reactionary who doesn’t care about the facts; you only care about appearing to win the argument.

    Republicans are the ones who nominated a candidate who says immigrants are “poisoning the blood of our country.”

    Republicans are the ones advocating for political violence, which is then enforced by their militias and “lone wolves.”

    Republicans are the ones taking away the rights of women and sexual minorities.

    Republicans are the ones who simp for a strongman fascist leader like good little goose-steppers.

    Republicans are the ones marching with the Nazis shouting “Jews will not replace us,” a crowd which contained “very fine people,” according to said fascist strongman.

    Republicans attacked the capital building to try and overthrow a lawful election.

    You don’t fool anyone with your lazy bullshit. The only people who agree are also radical reactionaries.

  • Again, I have to disagree.

    The rank and file vote for this shit because they like it. They’re fully on board. They want to have their little fiefdoms in the farm, factory, or family where their “subjects” have no choice but to obey or be crushed.

    Go into any place where conservatives chat with each other and you can see it play out, and thinking of them as “sheep” is completely misunderstanding their reasoning and ambition. They’re more like ants who will completely destroy any threat to their hegemony using any method available to them.

    They know they’re privileged, and they’re terrified of losing that which they are entitled to by birthright: that’s the core of reactionary ideology. It’s not mindless, it’s entirely consistent with their values.

  • Strong disagree about them being mindless.

    They’ve nearly implemented a decades-long takeover of the American government.

    This is the plan. You’re right that they’ll go along, but not because they lack substance: they desperately want white Christian men unquestionably on top of society, and this consternation is merely due to it’s unpopularity with voters.

    They go along because their ideology says someone like Trump should be in charge: a bloviating piece of shit who gets to skirt the rules due to his enormous privilege. That’s who gets to rule in the reactionary worldview, and doubly so since “the left” put Obama in charge and turned their world upside down.

    They have different values than you and me: ones not based in morality, but instead based on hate, fear, and dominance. Putting the “right” people in charge is at the heart of their ideology.

    So you’re correct that the details don’t matter much, but there is substance behind the movement: unfortunately, it’s the worst and most anti-democratic fascist shit they can get away with.