Maybe you want to edit this so there’s a direct link? Like putting in [email protected] in the text somewhere (or whatever the link format is)?
My Dearest Sinophobes:
Your knee-jerk downvoting of anything that features any hint of Chinese content doesn’t hurt my feelings. It just makes me point an laugh, Nelson Muntz style as you demonstrate time and again just how weak American snowflake culture really is.
Hugs & Kisses, 张殿李
Maybe you want to edit this so there’s a direct link? Like putting in [email protected] in the text somewhere (or whatever the link format is)?
Any of the 1PG games.
Indeed. People were very blind to him (and he was trying to keep a mask on) for many years.
I didn’t like him from the start, but that’s because I knew the story of how he “founded” Tesla.
I think even darker (as the response to @[email protected] indicates). When I see incel behaviour from a man, I make damned sure that man is always in my sight and at a distance. And I won’t accept any drink from him, nor any invitation to go somewhere else, even if it’s in the same building.
Well yes. It’s about sex and specifically forcing sex.
They’re wannabe rapists, in effect.
There is absolutely a cure for incels, yes, but nobody in the west would like it. So you’re kind of stuck with them.
The prostitution thing won’t work, though. I actually got fed up with a loud incel peripheral to a social circle I was part of and snapped, offering to hire him a hooker right then and there so he could STFU about how he’d never been laid.
Immediately he moved the goalposts and said he didn’t just want to get laid, he wanted a “genuine emotional relationship”. Saying this despite for the previous two hours only ever talking about sex, sex appeal, sexual characteristics, etc. with not a word spent on “genuine emotion”.
Some people just want to whine, and when they gather in groups they spiral destructively.
Oh, I didn’t notice the license plate.
They should have spray-painted the slogans on.
Never underestimate the ignorance of people.
All the badge work is clearly non-Tesla, but a tiny amount of text has “TESL” in it so the ignorant and self-righteous strike hard!
It’s very wrong, though, isn’t it?
The Apartheid Manchild is not a nice guy, does not want a better world.
And when you get the inevitable people saying “That’s not the Nazi salute!”, here’s Hitler disagreeing with them:
People keep asking when the Apartheid Manchild turned this way. I maintain that he was always this way and is now just comfortable expressing it. But I think, too, the increasingly erratic behaviour has a cause.
Look up the list of symptoms of ketamine abuse.
Now look up the increasingly bizarre behaviour of the Apartheid Manchild.
There are intriguing parallels. Right down to the paranoia.
It helps having a sapphire mine worked by veritable (almost literal) slaves in your youth.
The funny thing is that the Roman salute isn’t Roman as far as anybody knows. That was something Mussolini claimed based on a single picture of unclear context and adopted as his own under his “restoring the Roman Empire” schtick.
Then Hitler stole it from him for the Third Reich.
Could people please just read a little bit of history before commenting on it? Please?
Yes, the full formal name of the Nazi party was Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (National Socialist German Workers’ Party). Yes that name has “socialist” in it.
But you know what? North Korea is the 조선민주주의인민공화국 (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea). Are we to take it as read, then, that you think North Korea is democratic? (Or that it gives a shit about the People?) No?
Extrapolate that to the Nazis.
It’s well known in history circles that extend one micro-step away from simplistic high school history that the word “socialist” was put into the Nazi Party’s name because they were trying, in their early days, to siphon members from other socialist groups. This is called “branding”. You label yourself in ways that makes you sound like what people want, get them on your side, then turn into what you want. Do you want another example for a political party instead of a nation? Canada’s old “Progressive Conservative Party of Canada” would be a case in point. I mean the name is a literal contradiction in terms, but I guess because it says “progressive” they must have been a progressive party, right? RIGHT!?
Here are a few more names that are flat-out lies:
That list could go on for a very long time, but I hope by now you can understand how anybody who actually opened a history book would laugh at “the socialist part”.
And yet I just uploaded video of HITLER touching his heart before raising his hand. Looks like your Google skills kind of suck.
I’ll start.
Huh. Apparently, according to HITLER (who is presumably a recognized authority), one does, in fact, touch one’s heart before raising the arm like that.
Any more lies to spread?
Propose alternatives. I’m not especially fond of the labels either (especially since the “left” in the USA is “right centrist” in Canada or “borderline Nazi” in most sane places in the world; left/right is very relative), but it’s the terminology that’s used and when communicating you either use the extant terminology or you spend most of your time defining and redefining your terms in every message you post (and still get people mapping it to “left” and “right” anyway).
Before I click, is this another One True Way video?