All my homies hate the D Bros.
All my homies hate the D Bros.
Bruh, it’s obvious it’s SwimmingCactus. ::facepalm::
That show has so much promise in the first season! So much wasted potential!!!
Oh, you’re one of those who can extrapolate from previous observations‽
Smug elitist…/s
Ota analog signals.
Not Anon,a specific group that named themselves.
Goon‽ On it!
I just saw a short of someone running an instance of XP on an esp32 chip. Dunno how well it actually worked cause it was just thirty seconds of an error message repeating. But I would love to play some old games with <1 watt of power.
Shorted the center pin of a transistor in the numerical display of one of those giant build a stack game at Dave and busters. Literally the first thing they had me look at after starting, and that that no one could figure out, I was testing various points with a multi meter when it slipped and bridge two of the legs. At first I was worried a really messed something up, but the dude that had been there forever was like “what’d you do‽ It’s working!”. Definitely a fix I wasn’t expecting.
Whoa whoa whoa! Let’s not lose our cool here. I promise I am only a semitic cephalopod. Only flying I do is vicariously through my drone!