I had the same issue w being unable to eliminate them entirely for ages. Putting a layer of sand over soil in pot was what finally completely resolved it for me (in addition to continuing all the other stuff you mentioned).
I had the same issue w being unable to eliminate them entirely for ages. Putting a layer of sand over soil in pot was what finally completely resolved it for me (in addition to continuing all the other stuff you mentioned).
Huge fan of the original Planescape. So much so that it overcame the distrust I had for WotC after all the OGL stuff. I picked it up and I have to say it reads as shallow. A lot of the names and content from AD&D version but written without giving any feeling to the setting created. I don’t recommend it.
Been using it since the days of Google Reader, but it’s been discouraging to see some places stop supporting it. And the accumulation of sites that just stop posting one day always make me sad to look at.
Any good recs to add to my dwindling feed?
Glass Cannon has a bunch of great actual play podcasts in a number of different systems. Some better than others but all really well produced.
Also have a 2017 Ford Fusion. Great car. Shows its age but runs like a champ as primary commuter work vehicle. Literally my only complaint is that I didn’t spring for the hybrid.
Beyond Good & Evil
Just a quick reply to say that Blades in the Dark is a criminally underrated system. It’s an amazing fiction first game that’s easy to pick up and get newbies into. Apparently roll20 has good sheets for it. I use One More Multiverse for its VTT as I bought the resource bundle before it moved to Patreon. Foundry has some Blades resources too, but I’ve not really messed around with them yet.