• 11 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • But you don’t see, comrade!!! We must tactically support the weaker evil that is defending values even more contrary to our own in this conjuncture where they’re provoking perfectly avoidable, immense human suffering!!! If we didn’t, perhaps I’d have to question if my previously held positions were actually the rational conclusion to my core philosophical values, rather than contrarian posturing!!!1!!


    (Also I’m scared that everyone else might look at me funny for saying something that the libs say or that the mods might remove me, but do not say this aloud)

  • The Torah and the Bible already have weird sex stuff in it. There’s relatively explicit stuff like the Song of Songs, but then again you also have weird nonsensical incest such as the daughters who get their father drunk to rape him for no reason whatsoever, which you cannot convince me wasn’t written because some Israeli writer was horny. Just people writing about weird kinks like we’ve seen people do ever since the internet went live, except that the fellas making up the religion needed texts to add to the lore and said “Fuck it, let’s get this one in too”.

    What I’m saying is that you just have to be born at the right historical time to get your kinks made part of religious canon.