
An invincible wolf man, who is like a wolf in every regard save for the fact that he can fly.

(Note: This might be misinformation)

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • It’s definitely beneficial to interact with and include your toddlers as much as you possibly can, even if they aren’t contributing much. It will accelerate their motor skills and help their speech to explode before many of their peers. My wife and I can often tell when children aren’t interacted with by their parents, either through lack of communication or by being raised by a fucking tablet instead. There are exceptions to this of course (like autism), but it’s very sad to see how many children between the ages of 2 and 5 are trailing so far behind the others due to uninvolved and disengaged parents.

    My daughter has a lot of kids in her pre-school that are the same age as her, and they have an extemely simple and broken vocabulary. Their parents come to pick them up and don’t engage with them whatsoever. Just quietly stick them in a car and usually hand them a device.

    I suppose that’s the unfortunate different between people who wanted kid and people who simply had kids.

  • I love to see the dumb villager archetype alive and well.

    “Me fink I knows wot it was, m’lord, and me likes to ‘ave a go at it… Roight… So at first me fought it the chickens got their feathers in the sky, like… Too many chickens peckin’ about and insultatin’ the air like as makes me pillow warm, see… But den we gets to to really finkin’, and I looks to me mate, see… And I says to me mate… It it’s not the chickens up flyin’ about, and it’s not the work a wizards, like… Wot if it’s all the junk like wot they’ve been puttin’ up in the sky, like? Dat’s wot it is, m’lord… The sky treasures.”

  • I still like Xonar cards, like the Xonar DG (though it isn’t compatible with my new PC). I always liked their interface more than the competitors, and it puts out excellent volume on my Logitech headset that is otherwise way too quiet for me. Never been a big fan of the simulated 3D environments on any of these cards, though. The only game it ever sounded decent in was No Man’s Sky, but even that still had a distant tinny sound to it.

    I think most people just use external amplifiers these days, but I’m still using a third-party sound card.