“The world is finite and kids are infinite, especially African kids.” Jfc. Anyway goes to show just how white supremacist the whole “save the children” idea is.
“The world is finite and kids are infinite, especially African kids.” Jfc. Anyway goes to show just how white supremacist the whole “save the children” idea is.
I think they splintered before the bomb datacenters radicalization. So guess violence is more the Rational final conclusion from first principles
on my part I think it’s because I keep seeing Elon described as having “divorced energy”
It is also a very common mistake people make (or a ‘joke’, in some way I don’t get but there are a lot of weird jokes/rumors about musk which people take for granted (which is worse as blueanon people are now on the job and are just making shit up (yes, im talking about and still angry about the Seth A. post))) so it happens. Wonder if it would have been better or worse for her and the kids if they had gotten married.
finger draggers
Could be the same story which got telephoned into my story. I also only heard it from a different person ages ago.
I have some minor things to say. First a correction (people keep saying this and it is a weird mistake) Grimes was his girlfriend, never his wife.
Then the whole thing where people say you gotta play this to understand his genius or whatever, that is all just cargo cult behavior, it is the black turtlenecks. (I recall a story of a university with a beloved, genius but somewhat odd professor to which the students looked up, they wanted to be like him. So eventually the students started to touch the walls when walking through the halls, as the professor also did that while walking, the cargo cult).
Zilis clearly understood the assignment of playing Polytopia with your emotionally stunted boss/owner (as in the business sense, clearly the workers should be their own owners), as do prob a lot of other employees he beats. Let the Wookie win.
“I am just wired for war”
Reminds me of the sort of image of the military general aristocrats of WW1 who made the war last longer and did one more assault just before the peace was signed because of their warrior honor whatever. Unrelated, here is a blog post of acoup (a real historian), listing various articles that the USA needs soldiers, not warriors (and explains the distinction), halfway somewhere.
“when you’re playing a video game, there is no empathy, right?”
That is a darkly revealing quote (like the whole thing is). More points for Zilis and the others who let Musk win.
Wasn’t much ammo either.
I’m just sitting here with a bit of European culture shock.
I was thinking more about Grok explain people how to ‘neg’. But that is also a horrible horror.
Related to the other killing by the border patrol people, Chad Loder noticed the reports on the shooting have some strange wording which might imply the cop shot was hit by another cop. (Assuming this is the same shooting).
In a way that they have been historically awful and thwarted by the courts is a thing that worries me. I’d expect that somebody the past 8 years went ‘this time we will not be bogged down in that’. But considering they went 100% in on repression from day 1 I’m slightly less worried about that.
For context, going all in on day 1 is actually bad for them, when the nazis took over The Netherlands/Belgium they methods there differed. In .nl they worked slowly and with gov already there, in .be they went full pogroms a lot faster. This meant that in .be a lot of people saw the threat sooner (WW1 and Belgium prob also didn’t help) and acted and took better care of the vulnerable. The amount of Dutch Jewish people who survived ww2 vs Belgian Jewish people is very tragic. (and a very dark part of our history which we don’t really talk about like this as mentioning that parts of your own country also are to blame for the holocaust is not a thing a lot of people want to talk about). At least I hope that stuff like going all crazy on the bishop will turn out to be big wakeup for random Americans and a strategic mistake on their part, they certainly didn’t seem to have learned from the nazis (at least not this lesson, which fits with how fascism is blind for their own mistakes).
The only one missing is dating, but that prob is extremely toxic if trained on online data.
4 2026, 8 2028, 16 etc. (still amazed people don’t call him out on his exponential bullshit)
Shortly after Musk puts people on Mars.
Wonder when his pardon clears.
I know a lot of people are looking for alternatives for programs as stuff is ennshitfying, rot economying, slurping up your data, going all in on llms etc https://european-alternatives.eu/ might help. Have not looked into it myself btw.
Ah yes that will be good for international relations and the morale of law enforcement and anti cybercrime people. Lol it is all so stupid.
This and the releasing of the jan 6 people who assaulted cops (one cop who testified against them got a shitton of messages they got early release) is going to do wonders. Not that it will shake the belief of a lot of people that the repubs are the party of back the blue and law and order.
Fyi, this is not the place to either show random ai meme images somebody made (unless they are related to how crazy the ai people/Rationalists are for believing in the tech) nor the place go ‘they are gay for each other’[implied it being bad].
Also see what Sartre said on how anti semites use words. They delight in bad faith.
Musk heard about the ‘gamer words’ and because so many called him a fake game he went out and did nazi salute, he feels bullied really.
E: reality is even dumber, in what is prob an attempt to distract from the nazi salutes he admits to cheating, using the ‘everybody does it’ defense. Of course he also thinks he did nothing wrong, in a way that would make Sartres skin crawl. Poor Grimes, face bitten again.
This clip from bsky put it next to (I think) a clip from american history X, and he even pulls the same face
E: Dutch onion news site Historians: Hitler did the Musk greeting. lol. (The only ‘news’ in .nl which I so far have seen it call a nazi salute openly btw, so not going well here).
Well, they should be shook, this is for a community that already has a somewhat high body count an splinter-off cult with a extreme body count, seems they killed as many people as they had people.
A sidenote, this kind of stuff is why I call LW Rationalism a cult(*) incubator (***), im not sure because it is due to the teachings/culture of LW Rationalism, or that it attracts the type of nerdy person who is feeling like they are missing something in their lives, and the predators that prey on people (or both).
Also I’d say some of framing around the 2019 event feels a bit dishonest, with the ‘there were children’ and the ‘accusations of transphobia’ while deadnaming them.
*: I’m using the word here in a bit of a broad term, so it includes the Zizians, the homesteader neo-nazis, the IQ-anon(**), MRAs, anti-feminists, actual cults, the robotgod is going to kill us people, PUAs, NRx (E: forgot the cryptocurrency people) etc.
**: I dislike the term TESCREAL (as a term it is too broad, unclear, unclear why they are bad, and gets used by the sort of blueanon types already, and it already is giving a negative reputation to the people using it due to that), so when I saw somebody call the TESCREAL people IQ-anon I thought it was great and im going to use that. Small bonus that this also sort of applies to the non-TESCREAL people in TESCREAL (See how dumb the word looks?) spaces who promote a lot of IQ bs, like slurinnameo on themotte/ssc. (E: I forgot to mention that obviously this isn’t a perfect match to bad things of TESCREALism, not a lot of longtermers think of IQ stuff as something important etc, so it isn’t a good replacement)
***: yes, like a business/tech incubator, very silicon valley.