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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 14th, 2023

  • Sure, that’s what it is.

    Anyway, here’s some reading material for you in the form of relevant discussion backing up most of what I said. You might learn something.

    Although something makes me think you won’t come to understand the overall picture mostly by choice, since you seem to be stuck on your hate boner for Biden.

    In my experience, it’s the people who accuse other people of having a tenuous grip on reality who tend to be extremely rigid in their own biases and are afraid to challenge them.

    So have fun with that. Later.

  • 🙄 Way to miss the point.

    Do you understand that it’s possible to hold the belief that what the US is doing with Israel is wrong and also realize that the US can’t independently stop it from happening?

    Did you read what I typed or not? The reason the US is still in this is their influence in the middle east. I’m not arguing that corpse-emperor is almighty and correct, I’m saying that geopolitics is a thing.

    If we can’t have an actual discussion about this without you putting words in my mouth to paint it like I support that, then I guess this conversation ends here.

  • By your logic, every leader of a 1st world country for the last several decades is evil.

    I have this conversation every single time I open up lemmy these days…

    Biden isn’t enabling a genocide. If the US completely stopped sending anything to Israel, Israel would still be conducting this genocide. Netanyahu said so himself. Israel generates its own war supplies and exports its excess.

    The only thing that would change is the US would lose the influence it has left in the middle east and some other (likely hostile) nation would scoop up that spot. That’s the real reason the US is still party to this.

    Everyone who believes Biden is evil because they think he has a magic genocide-off button on his desk isn’t paying attention.

  • Our conservatives aren’t like conservatives elsewhere in the world. Our liberals are like your conservatives, policy wise.

    Our conservatives are brainwashed by four decades of targeted conservative media that’s explicitly designed to keep them in an anger loop in order to create a political climate where republicans (who are the actual politicians) don’t have to appeal to the conservative base with actual policy.

    Republicans, through channels like Fox News and OANN (seriously, go watch some of it and see what we’re dealing with here) have demonized everyone to the left of them so hard that entire generations of conservatives genuinely believe that there’s a bloody revolution coming.

    It would be nice if it were actually bullshit, but these lunatics who make up half of our voting population put a con-man entertainer with zero political experience in the whitehouse for four years and installed conservative justices to our highest court who are systematically dismantling our democracy.

    It’s very real. It’s so real that some of the less insane conservatives are waking up to how dangerous the details of this plan actually are, and that’s why Republicans are panicking about this.

  • Wow, I don’t think I’ve seen an edgier comment on the whole of lemmy.

    You sound like you’ve got a lot to lose.

    Telling me I’d like to watch it all burn, and then calling me a political pacifist in the next breath?

    Yeah. You’re actively expressing both of those views at the same time by thinking yourself higher than the society you live in.

    Anyway, the debt isn’t a tangible thing like you seem to think. And you clearly have no idea what you’re talking about, and I won’t take on the responsibility of teaching you how to use a search engine, so I guess this is where the edgy comment chain ends.

    Have fun in your cabin in the woods, brother. The rest of us understand what it means to live in a functional society. It’s not worth engaging any further with someone as far gone as you are ✌️

  • Seasoned_Greetings@lemm.eetoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldFreeloaders
    14 days ago

    Aiding the less fortunate in society benefits everyone, same as maintaining roads or building libraries.

    For decades republicans have artificially raised the bar for that aid and lowered the aid actually received, for no reason than to appeal to the crowd that thinks taxation is theft but uses modern public amenities anyway.

    The rampant cutting of those benefits and handing the rights over to corporations is one of the major reasons we have a nationwide health care crisis, just for one example of how those cuts end up hurting everyone.

  • Seasoned_Greetings@lemm.eetoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldContext
    14 days ago

    The call where Biden urged a ceasefire and Netanyahu completely ignored it? I think you think the US has more power in this situation than they actually do.

    Could Israel continue this war without US aid?

    The US provides about 1% of Israel’s GDP in military aid and Israel already exports weapons and ammo it doesn’t need. Who would provide American-centric weaponry is irrelevant to the question of whether the war would stop.

    To add to that, it literally doesn’t matter who steps in to aid Israel, as the aid itself is less important than the potential ally and the strategic act of robbing the US of influence in the middle east. You think Russia or China wouldn’t stoop to changing their position on a massacre to get a step up politically? Two countries currently hosting genocides of their own?

    A magic stop button doesn’t exist for the US. We’re clearly not going to agree on that so this is where our conversation ends. Goodnight.

  • Seasoned_Greetings@lemm.eetoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldContext
    14 days ago

    There’s no magic button that ends this conflict, except the one that lies on Netanyahu’s desk. Israel isn’t dependent on the US in the way that you’re trying to make it sound. If the US pulls away from Israel, it creates a vacuum that US’s adversaries are chomping at the bit to fill.

    They won’t suddenly go broke. They won’t suddenly be disarmed. They won’t suddenly decide the war isn’t worth it. They will take money and weapons from other nations who want their influence in the middle east and the only thing that will change is the US losing that influence.

    Look, I’m not saying that Biden’s hands are clean either. The US as a governmental body is complicit in this heinous war.

    What I am saying is that you are woefully naive if you think a phone call could end this. That phone call already happened. It was international news. Netanyahu laughed in Biden’s face.

  • Being self righteous about doing nothing is worse.

    Despite your own brand of defeatism in insisting the outcome is the same no matter what, one side actually is better. Even if the metric of “better” pales on the grand scheme of what we deserve or should be doing.

    I’m not trying to project self-righteousness by recognizing that there are only two real choices. I’m asserting that advocating non-action or pointless action is such a tired trope that what you’re doing is circlejerking for dopamine instead of applying what little influence you have as an individual to work toward the avoiding the actual worst outcome.

  • When the American populace as a whole is brainwashed into believing the only choices are red and blue, you have to accept that whining about it and voting green (or not voting) is going to accomplish nothing.

    So make your colorful allegory and feel good about yourself on the internet. In the end, you are accomplishing less than the people you look down on who recognize the shitty reality of our situation.