Just a shiny male toy…

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • It’s a terrible idea, having been a biker in socal. You’d think ventilated fabric, even a regular t-shirt with air moving on you from your forward motion would cool you…

    It doesn’t. You’re actually adding heat (thermal energy) to your body faster than it can be removed by your sweat glands, the glands cannot output water fast enough to match the thermal energy being injected into you as the hot air passes over your body. You actually need to insulate yourself with a wind blocking jacket, at which point fuck that, stop riding, and wait a few hours.

    It’s a very odd sensation, but you understand it almost without explanation if you’ve tried it… So what were these guys thinking, ignoring their body’s alarm bells?

  • I miss when the US was renowned for its peace corps, building wells and hospitals, helping communities which weren’t relevant to our income, but were helped for the sake of helping.

    I can only mind my small corner, though we all work on our own little projects which may have positive effects in a larger sense.

    I grew up here and want to share our wealth with all who strive to benefit both team human, and mother nature. We must quest for good, both locally and globally, or die trying.

  • I think this is what anti-natalists are going on about, that life is more painful than joyous, don’t bring more conscious beings into it.

    I understand that premise, but I’d argue that there is more good than bad in life, that while the universe may not care about any of us, there are plenty of genuinely beautiful moments out there, even just walking around your local park.

    Death is certain, maybe some should be permitted to exit life early, but there’s gotta be a way to show people nature’s beauty. I don’t really know where to go with this comment in truth. I just hope people in pain find genuine solace.