• 9 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: May 5th, 2022


  • Ah, so it’s only torture if it comes from Gitmo, otherwise its ‘sparkling chemical warfare’.

    Do we have to wait until someone loses an eye from getting chemicals shot into it before we demonize this? What are we, libs?

    I really hope you aren’t comparing me pranking my sister by spraying fart spray in her room to rigging a package to dispense it onto your enemy, surely you aren’t doing that?

    Yes. It is either torture or it’s not. If Mark Robber spraying strangers with stink spray is torure so is you spraying your sister. If spraying your sister with stink spray isn’t torture neither is spraying others.

    Meanwhile if I Kidnapped a random family member or some stranger on the street and waterboarded them both would be classified as torture.

    So you’re morally corrupt and willing to lie to bolster your shitty point, thanks for letting me know that.

    I have genuinely no clue what you are trying to say here.

    Ahem Black teen shot in the head after knocking on the wrong door

    And? I said low risk not no risk. It is also low risk to fly and yet planes crash sometimes dosen’t stop people from flying. Also this case has nothing to do with porch pirating so why bring it even up?

    Could we perhaps cease playing ‘devils advocate’ when a rich white guy gets paid hundreds of thousands of dollars from an AT&T sponsorship to terrorize poor people? That would be fantastic.

    I am not. I am just extremely annoyed at you using a term that describes one of the most horrid and repeated crimes being committed towards comrades and minorities by the western world and then use it to describe pranks. Criticizing Mark Robber is deserved but could you do that without diluting an extremely important term?

  • Yeah I would call it a prank. You wrote in your article yourself that you used fart spray when you where twelve. Does that mean you tortured people when you where twelve?. I don’t like the use of the word torture here because it dilutes the term. Being glitterbombed is a mild annoyance at best. Being beat to inch of your life, sleep deprived, put into stress positions etc. isn’t. If the same term is used for both it makes the abhorrent shit the US does and has done in Guantanamo Bay and Abu Ghraib for example look way less serious. It’s the same that Libs like to do with the bogus genocide accusations in Xinjang. If you call something (in relation) harmless something much worse you make the worse thing seem less serious than it is.

    I ignored the indian call center bio warfare because I don’t disagree with your analysis. Same reason why I said nothing about the fencing market. I agree that Robber is in the wrong here. Yeah Cock Roaches can spread disease so unleashing a bunch of them could be considered bio warfare. (I wrote could because I am sure there is someone out there who through the use of some legal argument can point out who this TECHNICALLY dosent qualify as bio warfare since no armies are involved or something equally spineless)

    why would someone steal if not to get money to live? What’s the point of risking violence from cops or psychotic gun wielding bystanders?

    Porch pirating or grabbing something out of a car is pretty low risk and if the price is expensive Apple stuff a lot of people who are not completely destitute will still do it. Unfortunately capitalist brain rot hustle culture is deeply ingrained in the minds of many (not because it is human nature or some other bs but because you are blasted 24/7 with media justifying it) and so stealing something that is low risk but high reward is seen as another brick in the whole hussle culture wall. I am also not saying there was no thief who definitely needed the money just that it is impossible to tell their motives from the videos alone.

  • Probably bad take ahead: I don’t really agree with this article. There is a huge difference between stealing from a porch (or out of a car) and shoplifting. I have 100% sympathy for shoplifters and think there is absolutely nothing wrong with it and if Mark Robber was rigging paint bombs to baby formula and cans of beans I would agree but this article is very melodramatic in my opinion. Glitter and stink bombs are not torture. It’s still douchey especially since he made a million videos on this premise already but I think using the word torture for this is too much (+how do you know that the thieves really need to steal in order to survive?).

    I can see myself being in the wrong here so I would interest in the opinion of you comrades.

    Edit: wording, addressing the author properly

  • From similar experience: If you want the friendship to last you have to play the long game and accept that you might not be able to change him. If he is a great person otherwise tell him about your position and ask him to stop sending you anti-comnunist material. Depending on his reaction either avoid politics all together or move on to the long game. People who are entangled in western narratives will not shed those thoughts at a moment’s glance if at all.

    Best thing you can do is being level headed and calm even if he is spouting ridiculous nonsense. If you are organised you could introduce him to your comrades. Let him know ML’s are not crazy baby eating monsters.

    You could also talk about all of the positive achievements of the UdSSR or current AES countries without mentioning the country in question by name. Think about the old joke where most people agree with the goals and aims of communism as long as you don’t call it communism or socialism. You could something similar and then after a few weeks/months tell him that all of this was actually achieved by country X,Y,Z. Be careful though. Depending on how you present it this could come off as very confrontational.

    If you are confident you might be able to educate him more by yourself do it, perhaps you can even convince him to read some theory. Maybe start a book club together. If he is a socdem he has grievances wit capitalism but you need to help him to direct those grievances correctly.

    Bottom line that all of this only works if he wants to learn and change. If he is completely entrenched in his thinking with no signs of doubt there is not much you can do. At this point it’s best to ask yourself if you want to risk your friendship or if you cut your losses and accept that he will always be a friend but never a comrade. In this case make sure you are treating him like an outsider when it comes to anything political. Even if you think you can trust him. I don’t know how close your country is to fascism or how severe punishments for communists might be in 5 to 10 years but it’s better to not risk anything and not give him anything that could be used to sell you out.