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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Offtopic: I had to laugh at my dentist’s text reminder of my time and date, with a line saying that late attendance would incur a £1 per minute fee.

    I know it’s supposed to be a deterrent, but if the terms worked both ways and the patient charged the business £1 a minute late, they’d be bankrupt within the month!

    I do understand that it’s the minority that ruin it for the rest of folk though, especially in a model like the UK’s NHS provision.

  • Coffee shops are fantastic. My other half doesn’t get why I go out to buy a coffee that I could easily make in the house for next to fuck all, but it was never about the coffee - it was about being out of the house and watching the world go by. There’s a coffee shop in a hotel that overlooks the thoroughfare between one of my local city’s biggest shopping centres and it’s rail station, and it’s nice just wasting an hour or two watching people go about their lives.

    The cost of the coffee is just a warmth and comfort tax really for sitting there.

  • Good effort, that’s a decent shape to be in. 10k runs are my “thing” but as my march into middle age progresses, I find I can’t do them back-to-back any more, I’m needing more than a day or two to recover.

    Maybe go for something a little more varied - I’m training for (but never done) local triathlons. Great way to build physical fitness with only a third of the high impact on the joints. The major limiting factor will be the pool of course, unless you’re fortunate to own (or have unrestricted access to) a pool.

    Random turn of conversation direction, are you creative at all? Crocheting seems to make the world go by at an alarming rate - it’s both a time killer and very rewarding.

  • Unfortunately, this would be gender and/or location dependent. Great advice for daylight hours, but the society we currently live in makes it perhaps less viable for women in certain areas or countries, or even in general if it’s a particularly socially deprived area.

    Absolutely on board with the exercise thing though. I’ve taken to trying to waste time on an exercise bike - even an inexpensive one, or a normal bike mounted on a turbo trainer. I’m not expecting anyone to bang in speeds and times like Lance Armstrong on some special supplements, but a slow spin for longer periods of time is great fun… just get a good wide comfortable saddle!

  • I hate that about disability assessments run by those Capita bastards. The whole “well you got here okay so you can’t struggle with mobility”.

    No you fucking arsewomble, it’s just threatening the means to purchase the basics and essentials is worth the physical agony it causes going to your human zoo and jumping through your arbitrary hoops, you daft walking talking fannyflap.

    I hate making it personal but I can’t see how anyone would voluntarily stick at a job like that.