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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 8th, 2023


  • It’s simple:

    Beat the population into learned-helplessness,

    & then all the AI molestingware that the device can run, can be running in it.


    It’s just a conditioning-step, is all.

    The profit is in having the population not have any privacy left, & living only within the neuromarketing-platforms that the mainstream operating-systems are becoming.

    It’s just a step in the suckerpunching humankind, is all.

    _ /\ _

  • Sorry, but air-quality damage from gas cooking & air-quality damage from burning cooking-oil have nothing to do with each-other.

    Both create harmful air.

    Cooking with electric stove ( induction seems to be the cheapest, next to microwave, in terms of energy ) removes the air-quality harm done by gas.

    Burning cooking-oil harms air-quality no matter what heating-technology was used to produce the mistake.

    _ /\ _

  • To the best of my knowledge, back-propagation IS learning, whether it’s happening in a neural-net on a chip, or whether we’re doing it, through feedback, & altering our understanding ( so both hard-logic & our wetware use the method for learning, though we use a rather sloppy implimentation of it. )

    & altering the relative-significances of concepts IS learning.

    ( I’m not commenting on whether the new-relation-between-those-concepts is wrong or right, only on the mechanism )

    so, I can’t understand your position.

    Please don’t deem my comment worthy of answering: I’m only putting this here for the record, is all.

    Everybody can downvote my comment into oblivion, & everything in the world’ll still be fine.

  • A question to consider, in the frame-of-reference of these 10:

    What are the rights of rabies-virus?

    It is a form of life, so it must have rights, then, yes?





    Malfunctions happen, chaotically: including malfunctions in genetics, in evolution, in ecology, etc.

    Sometimes correction is required.

    Within an individual, within a population, or within an entire-ecology.

    This 10 doesn’t allow that.

    ( also, it is life, not existence, which is the fundamental-validity: lumps of lead exist, they aren’t living )

    just the opinions of an autistic rando, is all:

    pay no attention to meanings of mine.

  • Decades ago, I discovered that there are 4 dimensions that need to be covered, in balance, in community news:

    • the Strategic issues, 7+y as a rough guideline, for significance
    • the Tactical issues, 1-3y as a rough guideline
    • the little Pervasive annoyances that never get given a headline, but are a “tax” on people’s wellbeing
    • Grow The Good!! community, culture, accomplishments, anchoring people’s hope, humanity, validity, etc.

    Leaving-out any 1 of those 4 dimensions has long-term costs.

    this is just what one autist discovered, it doesn’t mean you have to think there’s any validity in the concept.

    1. insightful question,

    2. it isnt just the internet, in case you hadn’t noticed, it is ALL civil-rights that are being gutted, in the enshittocene.

    “once the infection has moved the ‘fulcrum’, the balance between the involuntary-host & the infection, far enough, it can then switch from symbiosis to totalitarian rampaging growth-at-any-cost, excluding-all-vital-functions, enforcing its parasitic & fatal consumption, killing the patient”

    A tipping-point is being crossed, though it’s taking a few decades ( planets are slower than individual-animals, in experiencing infection ).

    It’s our rendition of The Great Filter, in-which we enforce that we can’t be viable, because factional-ideology “needs” that we break all viability from the world.

    Or, to be plainer, it is our race’s unconscious toddler setting-up a world-breaking tantrum, to “BREAK GOD AND MAKE GOD OBEY” its won’t-grow-up.

    Read Daniel Kahneman’s “Thinking Fast & Slow”, & see how the imprint->reaction mind, Kahneman1 ( he calls it “System 1”, but without context, that’s meaningless ) substitutes easy-to-answer questions for the actual questions…

    The more you read that book, the most important psychology book in the whole world, right now, the more obvious it is that Ideology/prejudice/assumption-river/religion/dogma is doing all it can to break considered-reasoning ( Kahneman2 ) from the whole world, and it is succeeding/winning.

    “Proletariat dictatorship” the Leninists want, “populist dictatorship” the fascists want, religious totalitarianism, political totalitarianism, ideological totalitarianism, etc, it’s all Kahneman1 fighting to break considered-reasoning from the whole world, and the “disappearing” of all comments criticizing Threads from the Threads portion of the internet … is perfectly normal.

    It’s simply highjacking of our entire civilization, by the systems which want exclusive dominion.

    Have you checked your youtube account’s settings section, in the history section, to see what percentage of your comments have been disappeared??

    Do it.

    Everybody do it.

    Discover how huge a percentage of your contribution to the “community” got disappeared, because it wasn’t what their algorithm finds usefully-sensationalistic, or usefully-pushing-whatever-they-find-acceptable.

    I spent a few hours deleting ALL my comments from there, after seeing that around 1/2 of what I’d contributed had been disappeared.

    There are a few comments now, but … they’ll be removed, either by yt or by me, soon.

    No point in pretending that meaning is tolerable, anymore, you know?

    Only fakery & hustle remains, for most of the internet, & that transformation’s going to be complete, in a few years.

    1984, but for-profit.

    Sorry for the … dim … view, but it’s been unfolding for a couple decades, & it’s getting blatent, fast.

  • Light.

    Absolutely stupendous quantities of high-quality, full-spectrum light.

    Live in a light-box.

    There is a circuit which goes from pigmented-ganglia ( black-pigmented nerve-endings ) in our retinas, into our brains.

    That sensor-system is rather dull, unlike the rods & cones.

    Rig a room’s light-switch so that when you flick it, suddenly you’re saturated in sufficient light to cross your light-threshold, about 1/2 second later, it’s like vital aliveness kicked into your brain.

    I’ve replicated the experiment, and I’ve gotten others to do it, too.

    One non-obvious thing, though:

    Because when we’re in the dark, we can’t remember what it felt-like to have that light-brain circuit activated ( the SAD-treatment lights are intended to cross this threshold: it’s the same mechanism ), so therefore, to treat profound, long-term depression, you NEED to get tons of lights onto a timer, & use that as your “alarm clock”.

    It works.

    It’d save many lives, if doctors would admit it is actual, evidence-based medicine, but that’d gut billions of dollars of psychiatric-industry, so … that won’t ever happen.

    ( dad was a medical-researcher & doctor: I remember the grudge/hatred when the Australian researcher violated psychiatry’s established “ulcers are a psychiatric illness” dogma, with evidence showing that ulcers are created by pylorii bacteria.

    Paychiatry won’t ever do the experiment, they won’t admit it works, they won’t tolerate anybody claiming it works, etc.

    Religion is religion, and my autistic-empiricism has no validity in their reality.

    Do the experiment, though, & you’ll see that it actually tests to be true. )

  • Simplistic.

    Anarchists pretend that no-archy is both good & workable.

    No-archy, within your body, is called metastasized-cancer.

    Having bone-cells growing anywhere-they-want, is no-archy.

    Having bone-cells growing ONLY where they are supposed to be, is archy.

    Same with every kind of cells.

    Whenever police-services of whatever kind is removed from a civilization, organized-crime becomes the police.

    “Nature abhors a vacuum.”, automatically demonstrates its inevitability.

    Try un-corrupting Northern Mexico, now, after the drug-cartels became the real government of that territory.

    The hierarchy within your body, with the 4 brains running everything…

    • cortex / human-brain, capable of considered-reasoning
    • limbic / herdbeast & pack-animal brain, imprints, conditioning & reacting
    • brainstem / lizard, in charge of the mechanics of the 5 F’s: feeding, freezing, fleeing, fighting, & mating
    • nervous-system of the gut / worm brain.

    One’s gut-biome modifies the funciton of the nervous-system, significantly, too.

    But anybody who denies that hierarchy is intrinsic to evolved-intelligence, is incompetent.

    Anybody who denies that hierarchy is intrinsic to the human-advantage of considered-reasoning, produced by the cortex, is incompetent.

    Just letting all the organs in one’s body decide “by consensus” what to do, blotting-out one’s human-brain, wouldn’t produce human meaning, it’d instead produce porridge’s meaning.

    The same is true in civilization.

    You cannot have people incompetent in science doing science…

    You cannot have people incompetent in managing doing managing…

    You cannot have people incompetent in teaching doing teaching…

    without anti-strategic consequences conquering the civilization ( exactly what all countries among our world, at the moment, have done ).

    This Anark posits that hierarchy itself is the problem.

    OK, so his brain, at the top of the hierarchy within his organs-system, within his body, holds taht hierarchy itself is the wrong answer.

    Do you see the narcissistic “different rules for internally vs for externally, different rules for me vs for you” scam that politically-motivateds pull, relentlessly?

    Hierarchy itself isn’t the problem.

    The problem is the rewards-system embodied in particular hierarchies.

    Given that corruption is normal & pervasive in human-nature, the ONLY method for breaking corruption’s rule of our world is … FLOSS doing the managing.

    Make the eligibility for authority be removed by being of the narcissism/machiavellianism/sociopathy-psychopathy/nihilism/sadism/systemic-dishonesty hexad.

    Make the eligibility for authority be contingent on one’s responsibility.

    Make it so that authority cannot be gained politically, but instead only through tested merit.

    I’m not talking about politically-highjacked “meritocracy” which always devolves down to privilege-archy, I’m talking about guaranteed-healthy-level-playing-field where education works properly, and cannot be highjacked, where adequate-nutrition is guaranteed to all students & children, where people as part of their educational development are got as competent as possible ( not as dumbed-down & turned-into-steers, as our “education” institution is oriented to doing: “the only manipulable child is a broken & insecure child”, as John Taylor Gatto, the NY State Teacher of the Year award winner, pointed-out )…

    I’m talking a kind of education where each student is brought up to their rightful capability, no matter what “grade” that is, for that subject, so you could have a 12yo learning calculus in 1 session then learning basic-English in another, instead of dumbing-down everybody to the institutionally-enforced lowest-common-denominator…

    ( fundamentally the communist concept of “education”, which is regimented mass force-feeding is evil, as it runs-over the GodGivenPotential in nearly-all of the students’ lives, manufacturing aversion-to-learning, in place of the hunger-for-understanding that had been born into kids )

    You boost up LivingPotential, and as people reach the more-competent levels, you challenge 'em more, & test 'em more…

    and you prevent the people who have the wrong character, the wrong nature, from having authority, systematically.

    THAT is missing from all political-systems in our world.

    Politics intends that narcissism/machiavellianism/sociopathy-psychopathy/nihilism/sadism/systemic-dishonesty have exclusive-rights/authority, and uses every means possible, to gain that highjacking.

    Break political-motivation from authority of any kind.

    ONLY THEN will it be possible to discover what having a “healthy brain, healthy heart, healthy bones, & healthy muscles” means, for any civilization.

    Anyways, downvote me to hell, for not parroting accepted-dogma.

    Hierarchy is required both within one’s body & within any effective civilization.

    Corrupt-VALUES make it impossible for a hierarchy to produce uncorrupt results, but corrupt-values are not God-given, not Universe-predetermined, they are indulged-in by our kind.

    Ruthless objectivity & ruthless integrity can, if held-to, break that from our social-momentum, for a portion of humankind, IF that portion has the spine to earn it.

    Otherwise, The Great Filter will just keep escalating, until our rampaging ignorance has force-extinguished all humankind, later this century.

    _ /\ _

  • Here’s an experiment for you:

    Get as many different kinds of curry-powder as you can find,

    & then simply try whichever of those smell good for you.

    You choose the ingredients, otherwise.

    It may well be that cumin’s bad for your Ayurvedic type, your specific metabolism.

    Whatever metabolism I’m in now, I hate seafood, yet I have kombu, and can’t stand Japanese Soy Sauce ( too seafood-like ),

    yet I loved Japanese Soy Sauce on lots of stuff, until a couple of years ago.

    1 time my metabolism changes such that orange-juice went from being wonderful to being aweful, in about 2 days.

    Read Frawley’s “Ayurvedic Healing”, & do the experiment of trying alternate-pairs of dishes, where 1 of each pair is

    • ingredients that are pacifying for your metabolism-type

    & the other of the pair is

    • ingredients that are aggravating for your metabolism-type

    The ingredients-lists in that book are the ONLY all-correct lists I’ve ever encountered.

    ( all those who claim that the existence of charlatains in Ayurveda “proves” that Ayurveda, itself, is bogus, …

    … well, notice that they SIMULTANEOUSLY say that the existence of mega-Ivermectin-for-Covid charlatain M.D.'s do not falsify the validity of Western Medicine.

    The “logic” that “the existence of some charlatains” somehow falsifies a system they don’t honestly represent, is, itself, false, in BOTH cases, equally.

    WHEN one sticks to the objectively-validatable ingredients-lists in Frawley’s “Ayurvedic Healing”, THEN one gets consistently correct results.

    Evidence-based knowing.

    To understand the different metabolisms better, add & read Frawley & Kozak’s “Yoga For Your TYPE” book.

    Vasant Lad seems trustworthy, too,

    and “PaleoVedic Diet” is generally right, but that damn Ajwain, I won’t ever put more than 1 single seed in any person’s food, because the terpenes in 'em are too strong.

    For terpenes, instead of Ajwain, now I use a couple of pine-needles per day.

    A bit odd, but they do seem to help my health.

    & if terpenes, in the right dosage, are good for one’s health, then this should be good.

    Some American Indians used to prevent scurvy with eating 'em or brewing 'em as a drink, apparently. )

    PS: Indian cooking is insanely diverse.

    You could probably cook a different recipe every day, for the next 500 years, without repeating one of 'em.

    Look at the cookbooks…

    PPS: the best cookbooks in the world are usually the America’s Test Kitchen cookbooks, but they won’t do the experiment for Ayurvedically-appropriate-ingredients-for-a-specific-person’s-metabolism, and they don’t have an Indian cookbook, that I know-of.

    Anyways, you do the experiments, & you discover what you discover!

    _ /\ _