• 31 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023

  • It always happens. People think it’s funny to destroy/troll stuff someone has painstakingly created. I remember the poor Canadians couldn’t make their maple leaf a few years ago on Place, because people kept vandalising it.

    The same trolls have messed with the Union Jack itself. I haven’t bothered with the template, so I can’t be sure how to repair it. Maybe the Brits will wake up and fix it, soon.

  • McBride handed over his original complaint about the “over-zealous” investigations of special forces soldiers along with thousands of pages of supporting documents.

    Oakes says McBride was very clear about the story he wanted told.

    “He really simply wanted to say that the special forces in Afghanistan were being unfairly targeted and unfairly scrutinised.

    “There was no mention of potential war crimes.”

    Oakes came to an entirely different conclusion.

    “The more I looked into it, I couldn’t conceive how anyone would think these guys were being too tightly monitored. It was precisely the opposite.

    “What happened out in the field stayed in the field.”

    I knew the essentials of this, that the story he wanted told was more about Army treatment of SAS soldiers. I didn’t realise the story was meant to be basically the complete opposite to the Afghan files, though.

  • Eh. The dude has never been any good at public speaking. Even in the 80’s when we thought he was a good speaker, it turned out he totally plagiarised his speech from some British politician.

    I’m not really invested in this whole “Biden bad” campaign that is all the rage. None of the stuff is critical of the actual policies his government has produced. All the criticism is about he’s old and surrounding himself with experts who are doing all the good work. Frankly, I’d be fine with that if I were a US citizen. He can be the figurehead and people who know their fields can effectively recommend the right policies. Sure beats their last president who was all “lets nuke a storm!” and other stupid stuff.

    Should the USA have better options? Yes. Absolutely. Can their political system cope with someone actually good? I don’t think so. Even the “good” presidents I have seen in my lifetime have ultimately been disappointing once in the oval office.

  • Oh! I just remembered that I can control my neighbor’s fan! I got tired of the constant notification that I could see it/set it up. So, I connected to it and the notification finally went away. But yeah: I can see when it’s on/off and turn it on/off whenever I wish. I’ve never abused this power, they are old and will probably think their house is haunted or something. I just wanted the stupid notification to go away.

  • Hahaha great question. It’s funny how I thought it was a silly question when asked the other way. In a way, my response is the same for both phones: ‘The main thing stopping me is that I am not considering switching’.

    That said, I carried both for years, so I can probably provide some insight. I switched from Windows Mobile to iOS in 2008. I had one phone until 2012. My “main” phone was iOS from 2008-2017. The biggest factor was (and still is somewhat) who had the best camera. Pixel 1 had a better camera, so I switched to Android as my main in 2017. These days, both have great cameras and it wouldn’t be a reason to switch.

    My current job doesn’t need me to have two phones, but I still carry an iPad mini, so I remain in both ecosystems.

    I prefer Android on my phone for lots of little reasons, but they all basically boil down to the same thing: Android lets me do what I want with my phone.

    It’s difficult to explain if you haven’t been an Android user. If you don’t know what a launcher is, it’s the interface between you and your apps. I’ve never much liked Google’s launcher. I don’t like Google’s keyboard, so I use my own. I like to change the default number of rows/columns of my app icons. I like switching between two bottom-row docks. Then there’s stuff like default apps, and way better widgets, of course. Plus I can arrange my apps how I like.

    Now - if you are on iOS and have never had this stuff, you won’t miss it. If you want your phone to “just work” and never think about personalizing it, you have no reason to even value the personalisation that Android offers. But, if you’ve gotten used to your personal phone layout, being forced into the Apple way is restrictive.