• 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • That’s just another tactic of projection. Republican woman are just mad that they aren’t men and need to justify their own subjugation by ensuring they get second place in the social hierarchy instead of questioning why there’s a hierarchy in the first place. Thinking for yourself is difficult, so being told what to do is easy. Even if that means being told to hate yourself. Hell Christianity’s first chronological story boils down to “women are the reason life sucks.”

  • Not a purity test. Just a fact. Are democrats better than Republicans? Yes, that’s also a fact. But that does not change the correct definition of a political party. DEMOCRATS ARE NOT THE LEFT! Left of Republicans but very few actual left ideas make it to benefit the common person because democrats smother left ideas in the crib. Vote democrat (if living in deeply red states or swing states) but also protest unjust acts regardless of which party is currently in control. (even more so when it’s the party that you voted for.) I live in a deep blue state and vote green to try to pull the political spectrum left. I protest both sides for their crimes. I protest Biden for his direct support of genicide. I protest Trump for his many wrongs as well. We need to fight for the race to the top and not whomever clears the lowest bar possible.

  • I’m just saying that, maybe if you are a creator making content primarily watched by children, the trade off for making money (millions in this case.) off of our platform, is we get to monitor your communications with said audience on our platform? It’s like saying a banker who uses their work email to coordinate a crime. My work has email monitoring that looks for financial crimes because surprisingly people are dumb enough to use work email for elicit activities. Yes his messages to individuals are “private” but should they be when in a position of power? He messaged a minor through twitches chat (twitch is essentially his whole job) and twitch has NO safeguards to prevent abuse?!