I’ve heard such good things, it’s top of my list. I might try and start a watching group on here or something. Think like a book club with an episode a week or something.
I’ve heard such good things, it’s top of my list. I might try and start a watching group on here or something. Think like a book club with an episode a week or something.
Great suggestion, thanks!
I’d never heard of either of those and they sound great, thanks for sharing!
Oh dang, I do love me some Ayoade! (If anyone hasn’t seen it, Garth Merenghi’s Dark Place is one of the first things he wrote and is fantastic, trailer .
I’ll start the ball rolling:
The instant classics, Schitt’s Creek and Kim’s Convenience are there. Both are heartwarming, joyful family comedies. Blackberry is a great little movie about the Blackberry phone with Glenn Howerton (Dennis from it’s always sunny in Philadelphia) and Jay Baruchel (Man Seeking Woman, basically that nerdy looking dude you’ll recognize instantly.)
Ones I haven’t seen but have heard really good things about (and are thus on my list):
The Marvelous Mrs Maisel, Reservation Dogs, Penny Dreadful, Britannia, Masters of Sex, Pen15
Haven’t heard much but Natasha Lyonne is usually awesome, so Poker Face is on my list.
What a silly “analysis.”
You could look to Italy, Israel, Austria, the Netherlands etc for examples of the Far right not only flourishing but running government in PR systems without a majority of the votes.
The more you read about those or the AFD the more you’ll see how much of their rise has in large part been because of ineffective/unwieldy coalitions. (It’s worth reading about the contortions Germany is trying just to keep the AFD out of government.
The notion that it is somehow inevitable that the Far Right will infect every mainstream party in a fptp system is ridiculous. (And why wouldn’t it happen with the Far Left, which presumably we would cheer?)
Hell, you know why thr Far Right isn’t running France? Right, because Fptp enabled the Left, Centre and moderate Right to stop them.
I get the appeal but goddamn, the more you read about how PR is actually playing out, the scarier it gets. Cherrypicking an example is the absolute worst way to make a point and a great way to demonstrate you don’t know what you are talking about.
I think they were those friends you teased but still had each other’s backs.
Now… They cannot and should not be trusted.
Oh absolutely, thank heavens trump is cartoonishly cruel and selfish, it’s quickly united everyone else. A clever, subtle and patient trump would’ve been much more dangerous.
I just fully disagree with the earlier comment that this is a one off trump only aberration.
Can anyone recommend some fun spirits? Looking to scratch that bourbon itch…
An index doesn’t necessarily mean it’s “what percentage of the economy is affected by trade.” But without the source, it’s hard to say what exactly it is a percentage of.
What? Ukraine was first invaded before trump and then again without him there. In both cases, the security provided was less than what was originally guaranteed. Ukraine got screwed by believing America.
It’s not just trump, there’s a whole Senate and Congress cheering him on. I would not gamble our future by relying on it to only be a trump phenomenon. If Americans had elected him once and horrified of their mistake, never came close again, that’d be one thing. But we has elected with a plurarlity of votes.
America has proven an untrustworthy ally and that thwir promises aren’t worth the paper their written in.
I don’t think Canada’s security should be “well, let’s just hope they don’t do it yet again!”
If our European friends want to start a made in Europe defense plan, ordering a boatload of next generation fighter jets from them seems helpful…
It’s wild how many of trump’s decisions are exactly what Putin wants.
Republicans have majorities in both houses, if they can’t pass a spending bill, that’s on them.
Lol, I’m not sure I’d take “people jot wanting to talk with me after I gwt increasingly silly” as a victory but hey, if that makes you happy, cool?
I simultaneously care about the climate and have a reality based view of the world, which is something I don’t think we share.
Have a good day.
I thought you had a typo… You’re unimpressed because China has… population growth?
And yes, in the path to decarbonization, they’ve been explicit that it’s a process. You cannot expect a developing economy to instaneously transition to a net zero economy while growing, that’s an insane ask.
If you read the second article you linked a bit more closely, you’ll note that they are talking about China’s rapid development. It would be absurd to imagine an economy growing that rapidly could do so while keeping their total emissions the same.
Meanwhile though, how does this compare to America? What major decarbonization efforts are they undergoing? To my understanding, they are so hell bent on undoing Green projects that they are even cancelling those that Biden put in red districts in an attempt to shield them from the Republicans almost sociopathic disregard for climate change. So, in a question of whom we’d prefer on climate policy, I’m not quite understanding what the heck you’re trying to say? China’s not perfect but you can see a path to climate neutrality, without wishful thinking, do you see anything comparable at a Federal level in America?
Yeah, they’ve pretty strongly turned from recent history though. No one in NATO believes the US could be trusted to uphold article 5 anymore. That’s the whole issue.
Hell, why doesn’t Ukraine have the nuclear deterrnet that it had after the collapse of the Soviet Union? Because they foolishly believed American security promises, which were given in exchange for them releasing their nukes.
What a sad way to spend your time.
I hope things get better in your life.