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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 18th, 2023


  • MotoAsh@lemmy.worldtoGaming@lemmy.worldWhy are you like this
    13 hours ago

    Seriously, I go in to a boss fight and spend minutes hacking and dodging with basic attacks and combos, then watch GDQ and they use a couple items and then cream the boss in two combos…

    That game is not hard at all, just insanely punishing for little mistakes. Mistakes like… not using consumable buffs…

    I despise games made to be frustrating for all except the intended play style. Dark Souls games are at the top of the list for games that aren’t simply misbalanced, but designed by cruel idiots.

  • It IS about ego-centrism to hear a comment about some OTHER person with your name, and go, “ugh, this will reflect poorly on me”.

    Yea, it will if you’re surrounded by morons that don’t know you’re a different person…

    Literally, get over yourself. Alexa is far more understandable, but the same thing applies: It’s only a problem when you’re surrounded by morons. Children are morons. Stop trying to regulate what adults do simply because morons exist.

    Do better. Set a better example than some troglodyte that gets caught up in every zeitgeist.

  • No, I didn’t say, “do the same thing”

    I said “actually DO something with the same room that has ALREADY BEEN MADE”. I made zero suggestions on specifics, so if you insist they’re the same, you are just proving how uncreative and stupid you are by insisting someone with power cannot do good things.

    The fact you repeatedly choose to misinterpret what I have already explained several times tells me you are a complete moron not actually engaging in the discussion.

    Keep being an ignorant fuck as to how the real world works. You clearly are vested in your ignorance. Sad.

    People CAN do good things with power. The fact you disagree with that basic truth… is just pathetic.

  • MotoAsh@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldIt's not even close
    6 days ago

    Hey! I can still throw 30lbs around for an hour just fine! … I just happen to weigh a lot more than that as an adult.

    Similar to why kids appear to be made of rubber. Not only are they literally more flexible, but a kid running in to a wall has a LOT less energy than an adult plowing in to it. That energy difference has to come from effort.

    To go the same speed, adults quite literally have to use a shitload more energy.

  • While you’re sitting on your moral high ground, evil people are winning.

    That makes you worse than a bystander. You’re DECIDING to help the horrible people, actively, while knowing they’re horrible.

    That makes you a useful idiot. Stop being a useful idiot. This is the real world. It doesn’t matter who is most correct in an ideal world when the world is full of terrible people doing terrible things. Either stop them, or don’t.

    Whining about how unfair things are is EXACTLY NOT stopping them. Do better.

  • Nobody disagrees that religion is not up to modern scientific standards.

    That wasn’t the point. At all. The point is that modern science still says they were on to something. The premise is right answer, wrong reason, so if religion isn’t science … you’re simply agreeing with the whole reason those rules were mentioned in this discussion: (sortof) right answer, wrong reasons.

    I’m positive it wasn’t simply, “god says so”, but probably because everyone noticed people who ate them got sick more often, and attributed ills befalling them as a message from God. It happens all the time in religion. It still stems from something real, just misattributed to God, as usual.

    In either case, the rules are still valid examples of, “something modern science (sort of) agrees with”.