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Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • It prompted me to begin the process of being evaluated.

    Insofar as the emotional aspects?
    I had made a choice not to speak with her many years before. She was a badly broken person who refused to change in any way. Her response to having her failings pointed out was defensiveness and accusations against the accuser.
    Sometimes you doubt yourself when it comes to cutting off a parent. Was it really that bad? Were they really that harmful?
    I don’t think it’s fair to say I ever hated her. I went from mad to sad for her, to just disappointed.
    Learning these things about her was more or less met with a bitter chuckle. Rueful, I suppose. It was further validation that she put her ego over my well-being. But I can’t change what is. I can’t undo a life of forgetting, of failing at things because despite accidentally deploying almost every ADHD coping mechanism, I still needed additional help.
    I do regret that I didn’t know I had ADHD much earlier in life. It would have made so many things easier. I’m probably delayed about 10-15 years professionally because of struggles in school, as well as poor social skills (which are better in recent years, mind you). My most noticeable symptom is that I have object permanence issues - awareness of ADHD probably would have prevented me from developing some negative self assumptions*, and perhaps empowered me to not harm, or at least mitigate some of that harm for people who just ceased to exist for me when life was tumultuous and my working memory was too small to encompass them.
    *And the assumptions are, if not valid, then reasonable to understand - when I am not interacting with someone, they just crystallize in my head into the person they last were. I have crushes on people I haven’t seen in years because they haven’t changed in my head. Conversely, I have a friendship with another object permanence person that is fantastic. We see each other once or twice a year and it’s like we never stopped talking. But for most people I atrophy and attenuate. I fade. People forget me. They get upset because I don’t reach out. I don’t remember they exist. And so when I see someone I haven’t seen in years and I remember them and want to give them a big hug and treat them like they are exactly as close as we were the last time we saw each other, they (rightfully) treat me like a stranger, and it hurts in a way that I … am going to talk to my therapist about, because I’m off the rails. But I feel that I don’t have a social home, because there’s no place my social self lives. I am a ghost.
    That’s why I picked this username, actually. Because it means I’m still here.

  • My mom used to talk in code a lot for no fucking reason. She’d throw out the weirdest segues and irrelevant stories. When I (barely) graduated from a gifted kids high school, she jumped from telling me she was proud of me, to telling me that when my sister was little, all her teachers told her that she should be “tested” - heavily implying it was for learning disabilities - and added that “none of [her] babies are retarded.”
    2 things - that sister had dyscalculia and never got beyond an associates degree because she kept failing math. And it took until my mom died to figure out she was also talking about me - and every one of my siblings.

    When going through my mom’s things, I found out that she ignored the advice of several teachers and school counselors to get me tested for ADHD. Because she didn’t want a ‘damaged’ kid.

  • What’s your take on a billionaire, who, following all applicable laws, has donated to politicians, people, and political action committees or fund lawsuits that result in things that harm the U.S., such as harming its income through irresponsible taxation policies, trade policies that harm the domestic economy, spread socially divisive messaging that may also be anti-government or slow down/inhibit participation in the political system, or use their power to judicially change laws or initiate legislative pushes for laws resulting in laws that are discriminatory/harmful/against the ideals of the constitution (while not necessarily being against the letter of it) and overall harm the U.S. society in favor of their worldview/desired hegemony?

    Are these people criminals if they’ve followed the letter of the law?
    Are they enemies of the state they have sought to undermine/remake in their own image?
    Would being an enemy of the state warrant criminal treatment?

    I don’t believe people have lost their minds here. I think they’re taking this latest ruling, designed to subvert the rule of law to protect one person, to the logical conclusion that ‘the other side’ will take it to when given the ability to exploit it.

  • It’s still summer, so I’m rocking my 70’s coke dealer vibe, and don’t want to put away the floral shirts just yet.

    The cut-off athletic wear look is definitely a late summer/early autumn. If I can find appropriately skimpy shorts and cut offs, I’ll be all about it.

    There needs to be a “Modern Himbo” store so finding clothes like these isn’t such a chore.

  • lol. While writing that out, I had that thought too, but decided that saying it was more of a feeling was vague enough that I could hide behind that when someone inevitably pointed out it could apply to some adults, too.

    I do feel it’s noticeable - an adult that has some sort of social struggle vs a kid. But it’s like… A kid seems to make statements that come from a place of naïveté, whereas an adult seems to make statements that come from a place of ignorance. Adults seem to couch their words in defensive language, while kids seem kind of blindly assertive. It truly is more of a feeling, I think.

  • I must confess - aside from knowing there was a difference, I didn’t really know what the difference was until a few online searches yesterday.

    The understanding I have is that winter/summer gas programs began in the late 1980’s.
    My supposition is that they have been handled seamlessly to the point that unless you are involved in regulation or the industry, it’s relatively inconsequential to most folks. I imagine knowledge of the program’s existence is probably one of those things that people sorta ignore unless it randomly becomes a topic of conversation. (Like any number of random regulations that impact our daily lives that we just don’t think about most of the time.)

  • There’s a difference between summer and winter fuel for gasoline engines in some areas. It’s usually to do with smog restrictions.

    The same octane can be reached with different blends of hydrocarbons. So instead of just ‘pure’ gasoline to hit a desired octane, refineries can mix together higher and lower octane fuels to reach the same overall octane rating. This increases the amount of refinery products that can be used to blend gasoline, so it can be made more cheaply. The trade off is that it’s less pure, and most importantly for this comment - that some components of of these cheaper blends may evaporate more readily, leading to smog.

    In summer, when it’s warmer, some areas mandate gasoline must meet certain standards for evaporation. In winter, those standards are decreased, because it’s cooler.

    Ethanol has a relatively low evaporation point. I don’t know the specifics of the commenter’s location, but I could see ‘summer gas’ having no ethanol to meet these standards.

    More info: The Vapor Rub: Summer versus Winter Gasoline Explained — Car and Driver

  • That’s completely fair. I was unfamiliar with Done until I searched for them just a few moments ago.

    The service I used offers diagnosis for a one-time fee, and does not dabble with prescriptions at all. The diagnosis came from a practicing psychiatrist that is licensed in my state. Those factors, plus the doctor’s recommendation are what made me comfortable enough to go with it, but I normally don’t love going with online options for stuff like this. I just was tired of the runaround.

    The diagnosis - which did not include treatment recommendations - was transmitted to my GP from the psych. And my GP worked with me on treatment options.
    I assume if the website got shut down, it would be inconsequential to my diagnosis unless the psychiatrist was found to have fraudulently issued diagnosis’. (Which is always a possibility.)

    But that is a very good cautionary tale. Done didn’t just say they would diagnose ADHD in 30 minutes or less, but they utilized a subscription model and issued Adderall on an auto-renewing basis.
    That whole thing seems pretty sketchy to me. It appears they were trying to tie your health care to their subscription model. They can go kick rocks.