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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • You didn’t read or understand what I wrote at all, did you? I have no problem communicating calmly even when very upset. The problem is there are a lot of people who will keep fucking up until someone yells at them, and suddenly, now their bullshit has been called out, they can do things the right way for a while with no further prompting or seemingly any extra effort. Shit that doesn’t fly in dangerous environments, for starters.

    I get more worked up for having to yell at anyone than I do with whatever the original issue was; Unless lives are in danger: that gets me pretty worked up.

  • No. He and his (not much)older siblings are at an age where, like I said, we need to know if someone got hurt, got in trouble with the law, or broke something, but short of that, a blow-by blow of recent or not-so-recent shenanigans in front of a much younger sibling is doing no one any favors.

    I should be glad he’s not tagging walls, or at least knows I would make him find any property owner and offer to re-paint or pay for such. Its the worst combination of he used to genuinely do and get in trouble for awful things, a lot, and now he’s like that one kid in the class who never does anything wrong beyond steal an extra french fry or ketchup packet, and won’t shut up about their condiment exploits(also still gets in fights and such, but doesn’t talk about that). When you have pregnant classmates, classmates in rehab, and/or pregnant classmates in rehab, everyone gets tired of this shit, not just parents.

  • Some people only respond to anger. Like, nothing will de-rail their non-sense version of (on-going)events until they are confronted with anger, and then they’ll just … do what the angry person says.

    Its common enough that people should be aware of it, and sadly it seems far, far easier to accidentally traumatize/train someone into this patttern than to help them un-learn it.