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Cake day: July 15th, 2023

  • Yes, that’s still and organization. Wicca is a religion, by definition.

    Also, cults do not have to be organized by a leader, they can simply be a loose group. The BITE model accounts for this.

    I suppose what I was getting to is personal spirituality. Any group that is working to push/enforce their ideas and world view could easily become a cult. Flat earthers, yoga moms, whatever.

  • Yes, I understand how an occupied enemy force is hard to dislodge. I actually was in the USMC for 8 years and was stuck in 29 Palms with nothing to do it in the middle of the desert but operation Mojave Viper over and over as groups cycled through. War in the middle east was hard because of ROI and a lower tolerance for collateral damage. You remove those and it’s not even a question. Just drop bombs and roll tanks.

    I’ve also seen how we can take over a country or city in a matter of nights. I’ve seen buildings leveled because there was a singular shooter in them. If you roll APCs down a street with an armed patrol squad there isn’t much you can do. Sure you could make IDEs, setup daisy chains and such, that could take out a patrol for sure. But that just gets a bigger, more aggressive response that will not be so easily pushed back.

    And let’s be clear, the middle east has been at war for generations upon generations, it’s part of their life at this point. Bill who hunts deer sometimes is not a battle hardened fighter. Hell, people who sign up for war, get training, then ramped up for deployment still freeze up in combat.

    Also, civil war tactics don’t work anymore, hell,guerilla tactics barley work. We have drones, night vision, thermal, air support, satellite imagery. If the US military did actually attack it’s people, and members of the service actual did comply, it would be an extermination not a war.

    To your point about one person looking out for a FOB. First, I don’t know how one person is covering every possible line of attack and approach vector, but that side. One drone or fly by could destroy that entire rebel FOB in second with not a damn thing you could do, with no warning. What is your defense against fighter jets or a blackhawk? Shoot small arms at it?

  • Ok, your evidence is a speculative vote that hinges on getting everyone to buy into that idea at once. It’s not going to happen, without ranked choice voting a 3rd party president will never be.

    Your whole stance is Dems are bad, 3rd party is better. But you live in a fantasy world where you’re throwing your vote away to prove a point rather than actually have an impact on the outcome. Vote dem, then get ranked choice voting, then 3rd party has a chance. With Republicans you won’t even keep mail in voting let alone expand it.

    Even if you consider them both bad, you have the choice to choose the least bad guy to avoid losing more voter rights. Instead you’re taking your view and using it to push an agenda that Republicans won’t care about if they’re in power. And by you not voting for the best chance to stop them you’re giving them a better shot at it.

  • Ok, then just be aware that when the pile of votes for 3rd party isn’t anywhere near either candidates pile your vote won’t matter. Biden and Trump will get the majority of votes and you will lose your chance to impact one of the most important elections in US history because of naive idealisms.

    And neither party is afraid of the 3rd party, they use it. They take reasonable minded people who would never vote Republican and push them to 3rd party to weaken the Democrats votes. It’s exactly what they did with Bernie and how Trump won. They had massive turn out for the 3rd party that did absolutely nothing but split the Dems and allow the Republicans to be unified. A vote for 3rd party is a vote for Republicans, I know you don’t want to believe that reality but it’s true.