There has been talk. Apparently will cost about 500 million to cancel the contract.
There has been talk. Apparently will cost about 500 million to cancel the contract.
Make America Broke Again!
“Smith will travel to South Florida at taxpayers’ expense to talk about tariffs with conservative podcaster Ben Shapiro. Their conversation is part of a fundraiser for a non-profit organization called PragerU”
What the actual fuck?
This is great, we need more of this.
The entire world needs to hammer the US with tariffs and export taxes
You think they care about that all?
Bring it.
Aaaaaaaand, already rolled back because Ford is weak.
He talks tough, but doesn’t actually do much except remove US alcohol from the shelves.
Impeach Trump? It’s already happened…twice. What difference will a third time make?
There is no restraint with Trump.
Ontario’s leadership IS weak as fuck, so that tracks.
Did you get better?
I knew we couldn’t depend on Ford.
Elbows up!
He’s just like Putin, he won’t do shit.
What’s that flushing sound I hear? Oh, it’s just the US economy.
Agreed. Sounds like we should put a 25% export tariff on it.
bUt doNaLd is a gREat bUSinESs mAN! /s