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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 22nd, 2023


  • oh, you were talking about europe" I was thinking about america. Yeah i imagine it’s going to be a while here.

    Steel mills operate in two distinct ways. The traditional production method occurs at large, vertically integrated mills, which use ovens to heat coal into coke;1 combine the coke with iron ore in a blast furnace to produce pig iron; and then melt the pig iron in a basic oxygen furnace to produce liquid steel. This production process is commonly known as the Blast-Furnace/Basic Oxygen Furnace (BF-BOF) method. The alternate method occurs through “mini-mills,” which use electric arc furnaces (EAFs) to melt steel scrap and, in some instances, use iron pellets to produce liquid steel. Unlike integrated mills, mini-mills do not require coke ovens or blast furnaces. However, some mini-mills use a process called direct reduction to remove oxygen from iron ore with heat from burning natural gas; the resulting product, direct reduced iron (DRI) or sponge iron, is turned into a lump, pellet, or briquetted form that can be transformed into liquid steel in EAFs.2 Once steel is produced in its liquid state, it is cast into rectangular slabs (long billets a few inches on a side) or other shapes and left to cool. Rolling mills then shape the semifinished steel into a variety of products, generally classified as either “flat” products (plate and coils of steel sheet) or “long” products (bars, rails, wire rods). The rolled steel products often undergo additional finishing operations, such as coating, painting, and galvanizing, to produce finished steel. Figure 1 shows the process for manufacturing iron, steel, and finished steel products.

    pulled from a US government thing, seems like most cleaner methods use refined iron. Although from some quick googling, it seems like this is a preparation method for iron ore, so maybe this is just a semantics thing here.

    ok, and some statistics, it seem slike 30% of US production is using vertically integrated mills, or coal based production (presumably) Seems like they’re even cheaper, generally. Which is also a benefit.

    So i guess overall, the steel industry is better than i expected.

  • i don’t fundamentally disagree with you, but you need to recognize this includes a global perspective. You think china is going to 1/10th is electricity consumption in 20 years? Fuck no.

    You think russia is going to do this? It probably won’t entirely out of spite for NATO.

    we can focus on this in america, locally, but we need to be in a position to be capable of doing it first. Notably, having a green grid would be a good start. Or at least, an increasingly green grid, which we do currently have, though not to a massively significant degree.

    Also, i didn’t realize i had such a good oneliner “The US of AI” what a fucking statement lmao. I’m sure i meant this as “removing AI from the US” but it sounds funnier the other way.

  • North Korea claims the same.

    this is actually not true, like at all.

    They’re called the “democratic peoples republic of korea” Likewise, the “PRC” is “peoples republic of china” which is, closer to being true, but not true.

    Israel is called “israel” hmmm. Yeah no this one doesn’t follow. If we’re arguing semantic technicalities here, yeah sure it’s a republic, and not a democratic system, but that’s just a democratic system with one extra step

    “I’m reiterating that I can’t address any of the proof of Israel massacring children, torturing and raping people, because I’d make my dad angry. But despite me denying the torture, rape, child massacre, forced transfer, etc, I’m actually not denying any reality at all.”

    hmm, funny, i dont remember saying that, point me to where i said that specifically?

    So you don’t think Israel massacres children or rapes and tortures people?

    bro literally every country in the world does this, even by fucking proxy. Serial killers live everywhere

    Even fucking japan. Just look back at ww2 history and see what they were up to at the time.

    You won’t be able to take a side, on anything.

    you really shouldn’t take a side on anything. Taking a side on everything is a sign of weakness and societal conformance.

    . You do. You can’t engage with it, because you know what the truth of the situation is. You know that I have dozens of links to UN high office reports and the only thing you can actually answer with is “b-b-b-b-b-but Hamas!”

    I don’t and cool mischaracterization of my quote btw. Very slimy. Again, i have nothing to say regarding the material, because it’s all fucking legal paperwork, none of which says much of anything regarding substance in relation to the conflict here. I have yet to find a single fucking case, of anything you’ve linked directly corroborating what you’ve said.

    You say something, and then link a block quote as a source, and it doesn’t even fucking backup what you’re saying.

    Have you heard about “whataboutism”?

    my friend from the city under water. You have literally accused me of denying genocide, and derided me from the very first fucking comment i made. With every fucking comment you’ve said you started with “you genocide defending fucks make me sick to my stomach”

    Some commentators have defended the usage of whataboutism and tu quoque in certain contexts. Whataboutism can provide necessary context into whether or not a particular line of critique is relevant or fair, and behavior that may be imperfect by international standards may be appropriate in a given geopolitical neighborhood.

    Accusing an interlocutor of whataboutism can also in itself be manipulative and serve the motive of discrediting, as critical talking points can be used selectively and purposefully even as the starting point of the conversation


    I would not suggest such a thing were it not for the Whatabouts. These are the people who answer every condemnation of the Provisional I.R.A. with an argument to prove the greater immorality of the “enemy”, and therefore the justice of the Provisionals’ cause: “What about Bloody Sunday, internment, torture, force-feeding, army intimidation?”. Every call to stop is answered in the same way: “What about the Treaty of Limerick; the Anglo-Irish treaty of 1921; Lenadoon?”. Neither is the Church immune: “The Catholic Church has never supported the national cause. What about Papal sanction for the Norman invasion; condemnation of the Fenians by Moriarty; Parnell?”

    oh no, even the relevant quote literally supports what i fucking say. I have not once said that hamas is worse than israel, or that israel is worse than hamas.

    In 1978, Australian journalist Michael Bernard wrote a column in The Age applying the term whataboutism to the Soviet Union’s tactics of deflecting any criticism of its human rights abuses. Merriam-Webster details that “the association of whataboutism with the Soviet Union began during the Cold War. As the regimes of [Joseph] Stalin and his successors were criticized by the West for human rights atrocities, the Soviet propaganda machine would be ready with a comeback alleging atrocities of equal reprehensibility for which the West was guilty.”

    oh no, yet another proper example of a whataboutism.

    then reiterate what they say

    i already have, they say that there is reasonable grounds for israel to have been, or to commit genocide. Likewise, there is supporting evidence of “war crimes” being committed.

    You won’t though, because you’re a genocide denier and actually admitting any of those criteria of genocide is just something you’re not capable of doing. Utterly brainwashed.

    oops you did the thing you werent supposed to.

  • I’m still on the edge of whether you’re incredibly stupid or actually that bad at lying.

    go read through my posts, you’ll find the shit i’m talking about.

    So you admit that Israel is undeniably indiscriminately bombing civilians, like all the reports show? And you won’t start rambling and equivocating with the exact garbage that Israel tries to deny these accusations with?

    ignoring the fact that you’re treating your point like the ultimate source of authority (yet another fallacy, i don’t even know what it is, but this is almost definitely a fallacy lmao)

    And ignoring your rather loaded definitions and statements here which is obviously an intentional tactic of yours, whether you realize it or not.

    Statistically, israel is bombing, and likewise, killing considerable amounts of civilians throughout the period of this conflict. Whether or not this is definable as “indiscriminate” killing is debatable, because that makes it sound like they’re sending bombs into fucking public libraries in america or something.

    However, funny story, this is the middle east, and we’re engaging in extreme urban guerilla warfare tactics here. There is simply no way to counter these without substantial loss of life, or putting your military force at considerable risk. You might just argue that you should send personnel into the urban environments to directly counter them, but this is basically going to be a suicide mission. The only trivial ways to counter these are going to be infantry vehicles, or tanks, and bombing. That’s it.

    And no, i’m not rambling, this is a conflict that has well over 50 years of history, close to 70 in the modern era. Arguably going all the way back to the very founding of religion itself. There is no “simple” answer here.

    UN Commission Finds Israel Guilty of Crimes Against Humanity

    nice source btw, literally states that hamas has committed multiple war crimes LUL. fascinatingly the block text chunk you’re quoting doesn’t seem to exist. That or ctrl f is shitting itself.

    interestingly enough you say it finds them guilty, but again, not a single mention of guilty within the report itself. The report does mention, at least a few times, that israel has committed war crimes, but amusingly it mentions hamas quite a bit as well. Curious that you aren’t talking about the “hamas genocide” on jewish people (or israeli citizens, but that wouldn’t be a conflation now would it?) during the time of this conflict.

    you understand and agree that Israel is guilty of crimes against humanity.

    i don’t quite believe this statement, again you’re doing the funny weaselly wording. I believe that israel has committed war crimes, like hamas, but i don’t believe, and i don’t know of any corroborating evidence that demonstrates that Israel is legally guilty and charged of committing war crimes. But again, that wouldn’t suit your narrative, and it undermines your statement, so you’ll continue using incorrect wording and statements to try and adhere to your framework huh?

    I don’t know if you’re genuinely trying to conflate “israel is legally guilty and charged of comitting war crimes” with “israel has committed war crimes” in order to later conflate it with “israel is committing genocide” in an effort to “convert” me, but by that point you’ll have deconstructed your argument thrice, and it will have so little remaining value that it won’t matter.

  • i think comparing nuclear to renewables is irresponsible at face value. Nuclear energy and renewables pair together extremely well, and i feel as if we should be building nuclear to satisfy the hard challenges of renewables, while building renewables to augment nuclear.

    Nuclear is a base load power plant, of which nothing but very few hydro plants are capable of accomplishing, most nuclear plants have an extremely high capacity factor, i’ve even seen some operating at 100%+ Solar pairs extremely well with residential cooling throughout the summer, providing cheap power when most needed. While also pairing reasonably well with heating in the winter, since you want it colder at night anyway. Though you would have a relatively low draw in the morning heating up your home throughout the day until the evening when you stop heating it, or possibly even earlier.

    The main reason i mentioned a second extension is that im not sure its even possible, legally speaking it would have to be approved, and they’ve already approved one extension, so it might very well be “EOL, legally speaking” by now.

    Nuclear plants almost alleviate energy storage problems with renewables, if not alleviate, because most nuclear plants (modern ones) also have some capacity of thermal battery, meaning they can operate some level of peaking. (more than likely just using it for augmenting renewables though)

    They are extremely expensive to build, however, that makes them very apt for subsidies and government spending. It’s also relatively insured power production after having been built, considering that you can run them for 30 years, minimum. Maintenance costs are relatively high, but modern plants are a lot simper than they used to be, and i’ve seen pretty reasonable price estimates out of designs like the SSR, though they have the downside of not existing yet.

    It seems like the future of nuclear reactors is going to be either, molten salt pool reactors, or molten metal type pool reactors. Either using lead or a eutectic mixture of lead and bismuth. Like russia is currently developing.

  • there are almost certainly heuristics you can use, but these are going to be heuristics the size of the national US grid, with physics similar to how water flows through pipes. Except these pipes are dynamic and significantly less restrictive.

    Plus source generation is very sparse, CCG gas plants for example generally only run when peaking, and solar only works during the day, generally, and nuclear power runs 24/7 around the clock, so it’s not quite trivial to calculate. More than likely what the heuristic they’re using here is that they consume 43% more power as a corpo, and thusly, produce 43% more CO2.