Isn’t Mexico pretty famous for their Coke in glass bottles made with real sugar instead of corn syrup?
Isn’t Mexico pretty famous for their Coke in glass bottles made with real sugar instead of corn syrup?
Which countries still have child labor? Are they capitalist?
There are people out there who are closer to animals than humans when it comes to intelligence. While they have the benefit of speech thanks to the benefits of being raised in a society, there is very little logical thought. They go through life bouncing from one base emotion to the next, never taking the time to examine why they feel the way they do, or considering if others might feel the same or differently.
These are bottom tier intelligence people; the ones that exist in the overlap between the dumbest humans and the smartest animals. The kind of people who could be outsmarted by a crow. They walk among us. They work jobs. They vote. They drive. It’s terrifying.
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Except this photo was from 2010, so how people are defining the current “war” doesn’t matter.
Oh so you have seen it and fully understand it then. Got it. Thanks for your contribution.
Alfalfa Meal and Coffee Grounds - can only be used in moderation due to their high nitrogen content which would fuck up waterways way more than salt.
Beet Juice - not nearly as effective as salt
Grape Skin - still in testing, no where near close to market, unknown ecological impacts
Brine - has the same problem as salt because that’s essentially what it is
Manual removal - are you fucking kidding me?
Salt is the best we have, and the alternatives aren’t just less economical, they’re also just plain unfeasible.
I can kinda get it not being “murderous”. When civilians are killed while in the middle of a war, it’s not considered murder, it’s considered a war crime. It’s a technicality, but that’s how words work.
But I’m not sure how you can say it isn’t brutal. Of course it’s brutal.
I’m a Nintendo fanboy. I totally get the criticism, most of it is valid. The problem is that people then use things like their pricing, poor hardware, and constant use of the same IPs and extend that into a broad claim of “Nintendo Sucks”; all while completely dismissing the only thing that really matters:
They make fun games.
At the end of the day, despite their technical flaws, if I had to pick ONE game company to play exclusively for the rest of my life, it’d be Nintendo, there’s not even a close second for me. Despite all the complaints, if they come out with a new Zelda or Mario game, it’s more likely than not to be an absolute 10/10 game. Why? Because again, they make fun games.
How many companies have pushed out some 4k, 120fps, hyper-realistic graphic style game, only to have completely flat gameplay? Nintendo seems to be the only company that realizes that first and foremost, they are a game company. Not a hardware company, or a graphics company, or some new metaverse VR BS company, but a game company.
Who in the fuck would want to play single player only Splatoon?
Are you saying that none of the fun will be in this game?
That man is suckling that book like it’s a cow teat.
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Here’s what you can do in the next 5 minutes to stop your Stage 3 Lung Cancer!
That’s pretty much the same thing this headline is saying. We are deep in it now, maybe not the absolute worst case it could be, but definitely not good. And 12 months is not nearly enough time to deal with the problem, so much so that it’s laughable to even suggest it could be. The only solution will be long, hard, expensive, and require a LOT of pain and sacrifice. Plus, there’s no guarantees it will even work. It may just be too late at this point.
So because something bad happened and we’re all emotional, we’re supposed to ignore critical thinking and just go along with whatever people say that makes them feel better about the situation, regardless of if it’s correct or not? There’s a sort of merit in that I suppose, but it’s not for me.
“Even though the artificially saturated color was known at the time amongst planetary scientists — and the images were released with captions explaining it — that distinction had become lost over time.”
Things like this are why I have a bit of a bone to pick with astrophotography. Those breathtaking images of nebula or gas clouds? Manipulated to the point they might as well be fake.
“This is what the nebula would look like if we could see IR and if we made all the different elements like Hydrogen and Nitrogen glow in different neon colors to distinguish them”
Cool, so not actually at all what the nebula looks like. Got it.
But that’s what the public sees, and most people think that if you had a powerful enough telescope, you’d see all these amazing colors and details. But that’s not really the case at all.
The rules that weren’t listed anywhere? The rules that even experts who were consulted were unaware of? The rules that there wasn’t even a place on the form to be able to follow?
You mean those rules?
She did follow the rules on the APPLICATION, because this requirement wasn’t actually listed on the APPLICATION, nor was there even a place on the APPLICATION to list it. This is an archaic law that was not common knowledge that was dug up after the fact specifically to bar her from running.
Imagine filing your taxes, only to have them rejected because you never told the IRS your favorite type of soup.
Except there’s no place on candidate forms to put it, it’s not written on any of the lists of candidates requirements, and has never been recently enforced. She wasn’t hiding her name, she literally didn’t know she needed to because it wasn’t listed anywhere. It’s like if you ran for office but got rejected at the last minute because you didn’t disclose all your addresses from the last 15 years, despite there not being an official place to actually do that.
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