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Cake day: June 4th, 2024


  • The reason for that is that you have to look at this as if you’re some greedy corporate bastard.

    A robot butler costs money to build and if it doesn’t pan out, they’re on the hook for the cost. Firing people saves money right now, and if generative art doesn’t pan out, they can hire new employees that will work for less.

    AI is just the latest craze to justify what these greedy bastards do all the time. The way they’re fucking us is new, but the act of fucking us is as old as dirt.

  • Yeah with Chevron gone this is fluff talk at this point. Nothing can be regulated without the Courts giving it an okay or Congress explicitly allowing it verbatim. The Loper Bright case paired with Relentless, Inc. has basically nullified novel regulatory authority without the Courts consenting.

    The framers anticipated that courts would often confront statutory ambiguities and expected that courts would resolve them by exercising independent legal judgment

    — Chief Justice Roberts (Loper Bright Enterprises, et al, v. Raimondo)

    Additionally, Robert’s indicated that the Administrative Procedure Act of 1946 has always provided Judicial review of every regulation and that everything since that point must now be reviewed by the Courts.

    Biden is indicating that he’s going to produce a heat standard via OSHA which was formed in 1971, so OSHA’s ability to even make that standard and potentially their full authority is under question now. OSHA isn’t going to be doing jack crap for easily the next twenty years for the Courts to fully review their broad authority, unless SCOTUS overturns this judgement. For all we know, SCOTUS might hold OSHA to follow the exact letter of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 which would neuter them in a heartbeat. Luckily things like the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 which prohibits child labor in particular kinds of jobs will fall outside of that review and OSHA will still be able to enforce that kind of stuff since it’s explicit that OSHA enforces any labor law prior to the 1970 act.

    There is literally nothing any President going forward can promise without Congress completely having the President’s back or the Justices agreeing with the President. Basically, without at least 2 out of 3 branches agreeing, literal nothing will happen. This is literally the setup nobody will enjoy and will cripple Federal Government for the foreseeable future without those rare instances where Congress and the President are of the same political party.

  • Literally a slight video edit made a particular group think Biden was chasing after some invisible chair during D-Day. For a particular group of folks it won’t matter about AI, they can’t even detect objectively provable false information that was done with the most minor of functions a video editor provides. Not even when the proof is literally a two second Google search for the YouTube clip of the original footage.

    AI isn’t ruining the Internet, the Internet was already ruined by people whose mind wasn’t ready for the ability for the entire world to speak to every other person on the Internet.

    I think back to that one episode in The Orville when they’re talking about how they gave some backass society a food replicator and they killed each other within five years. That’s the Internet right now. We are still in the baby phase of the Internet and there are still a ton of people who just can not wrap their mind fully around the tool that’s in front of them. For some, it’s like I gave a five year old a PSRL-1 and said, don’t hurt yourself and called it done.

    AI isn’t going to hurt people with critical thinking skills, it’s going to hurt people who never had critical thinking skills and those people are already rabid fiends running rampant on the Internet like there’s no tomorrow.

  • If they don’t replace Biden, we will get another Trump presidency

    One, they aren’t going to replace Biden. Two, that outcome they aren’t entirely concerned about. There’s some who look at that and go “Biden couldn’t possibly win now” and the thing is there’s an insanely small amount of people who are at this point undecided. We could have the election tomorrow and the vast majority of people know which button they are pushing and there is nothing that’s changing that outcome.

    It’s basically Trump vs Harris at this point, but with Biden still being a stand-in, Harris doesn’t have to get up there and show how little she can tango with Trump. That would actually move the needle. If Biden started pushing daisies tomorrow that would actually change the calculus.

    But this debate, as far as I know, zero people have changed their mind about who they are voting for. The RNC is going to nom a felon. The DNC is going to nom a zombie. Neither group is making sane decisions at this point in time because none of them give a shit. They aren’t replacing Biden just like the Republicans aren’t replacing Trump. We are all on this short bus full of Senior Citizens to hell for better or worse. Kicking and screaming all along the way, this is who have for November.

    If you think Biden can win after the world saw the debate performance, you’re delusional.

    The DNC brass, they don’t care, it’s a Tuesday to them if they lose. If Trump gets into power and rounds up all the gay people and shoots them in the head, hey I guess we’ll get on that in 2028 or something is what the DNC has to feel about that. It’s not that pressing a matter for them. And if Biden wins, the Republicans will just obstruct November 6th, the day after the election, just like they obstructed on January 6th. It is water under a bridge if Trump loses.

    You know I heard all this nonsense about “we just need to get Trump out of office” back in 2020. And I knew the day of the 2020 election, Trump isn’t going anywhere. If Trump loses 2024, Trump isn’t going anywhere. What people ought to be concerned about isn’t Trump sticking around, it’s when Trump dies off. Because we’re not getting rid of the crazy, we’re just going to get version 2.0 of the crazy.

    The people most affected by whatever outcome happens, those are the ones that are going to take the win or loss the hardest. But the political parties, and especially the RNC and DNC, all of this is just drops of rain on the glass. They are not replacing Biden, that is who we have unless he specifically croaks before we can get to the election.

    So if you do not like Trump, you push the Biden button or just stay home. That is the strat here from the DNC. But there’s so little undecided here, there is no energy to change course. If say the undecided was like 20%, maybe. But everyone knows whose button they are pushing, these debates aren’t going to change that.

    If Biden doesn’t win in November, Biden wasn’t going to win in October of last year. There are zero things either candidate can do that could change some number of people’s minds at this point to radically change the outcome of this election. Any everyone is quite aware of this, that’s the reason the DNC is going to send in a geriatric senile man and the RNC is going to send in a pompous felon.

    The election is already over, we just haven’t cast the ballots. The debates are just bread and circus.

    The whole thing is from the DNC and RNC perspective is like that Futurama poster, “you gotta do what’cha gotta do.” The DNC is NOT replacing Biden unless he literally dies before we get to the election. That is the only way who is on the Democratic ticket changes.

  • HVAC suffers from loss over distance. Large distances like what’s between the western US deserts and the eastern seaboard would suffer large losses to heat via HVAC.

    HVDC can solve this, but that requires an investment into this kind of infrastructure. Moving the batteries is using a preexisting infrastructure because the assumption is that new infrastructure won’t be upgraded. We will build new so long as a ROI has quick turn around, another assumption here being that long term profit planning won’t happen so everything needs to be planned to have profiting within two or less years. But we won’t build new if usage of that new happens a decade later.

    We could totally send the electrons over, but sending the batteries over is adding a bunch of assumptions that people won’t want to do massive investments in basic infrastructure to facilitate that, so we’ve got run with what we have that can ensure profits in a fairly rapid pace before investors bore of it or the next election cycle tosses everything in chaos.

  • Gustafson said in a statement following her defeat. “What we have to say about giving birth and everything related to it is secondary to whatever the men of the Republican Party want.”

    Any woman in support of the GOP is asking for this outcome in the end. Subjugation at the heel of their man. Someone elsewhere had mentioned Uncle Tom’s, folks who kowtow to those who would enslave them in desperate acts for a glimmer of affection. Fundamentalist see people as pawns, not friends, not allies, not equals, but as tools to further their agenda. That’s why towards the end, Uncle Tom was flogged to death by the very people whom he sought to curry a modicum of favor.

    Similar story is Phil Valentine, mocked the COVID virus, derided any notion of a vaccine. Did exactly as his Republican peers did and said. Wanted nothing more than to kiss up to Trump and had bigger aspirations in the political sphere than his talk radio show provided. Got sick from COVID, spent the remainder of his life suffering to catch a breath alone in a hospital. There was a big moment of silence and remembrance on the radio the next day, by the end of the week it was “Phil who?” The people who he sought to have elevate his status in life forgot about him the second his situation turned unfavorable to their agenda.

    Today, outside of his family, the majority of people who remember him are the exact people he mocked and taunted on his radio show. And it’s not a remembrance of who he was that those people remember him, it’s a cautionary tale. One doesn’t get “into the group” with fundamentalist. You simply exist in the group until your utility runs out and then you are removed from the group as demonstration of the group’s resolve.