Depends on your gaming platform of choice
Depends on your gaming platform of choice
Standing desk with treadmill
Rubber mallet is the softball of hammers
not sure what the censoring of the plate does. That truck is visible and identifiable for a five mile radius, and I guarantee you can hear it for more than that
Mooooom, can I move to Canada?
Warning: my code it not nearly as pretty or organized as yours, nor is it Object oriented in the way you’re supposed to do it. github link
Sorry for completely forgetting to respond to this. Getting my stuff ready for github now, will report back with link
Rarer than getting a synthetic hip or being born without wisdom teeth, for example
I just finished adding spotify support to my own version of this a couple days ago. Well done, looks far better than mine.
non-spray non-cooking stick
Git push yourself out* to make the obvious joke
I read this along with ‘That’s Amore’ but the Simpsons did it better
Is this what dyslexia is like?
Safety third. Third is good.
Pineboi is now the only acceptable naming convention
I’m still confused about the bridges everyone’s talking about. Please help
Shouldn’t be in this community, but good on you
Ah, probably could’ve guess that one
Show sauce?
Reference to garbage time YouTube channel