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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 19th, 2023


  • We were only 600,000 votes away from a Biden victory in 2020 because we didn’t have enough voters. TX has pitiful voter turnout, even with 2 weeks if open polls, with polls required to be open at least 12 hours a day on the weekday.

    In 2020, even with what’s called amazing turnout, with a voting age population of 21.5 million, 17 million were registered, and 11.3 million cast a vote. Then in 2022, when we had the entire legislative branch, almost all of the executive branch, and a good chunk of the judicial branch up for election, only 8.1 million people voted.

    Even with these numbers, Biden still received more votes in TX than he did in NY! There’s potential for us to get some better representation, if we can just get more people to get to a polling station (usually open 7AM-7PM during the second week of voting).

    We need more people to turnout this year, not only to keep Trump from our electoral college votes, but to kick Ted Cruz to the curb. There is a lot in the news pushing people away from the pills and making people mad at the DNC just like in 2016 and its really scary because those tactics helped keep people from casting their vote.

    Turnout number source https://www.sos.state.tx.us/elections/historical/70-92.shtml

  • The doctor I see for adhd set themselves up as a PCP for insurance purposes, so each visit is just a copay. You can find co-pays from free to $20 on the ACA Marketplace (Obamacare). Just find an insurance salesperson to help you, they are paid by the insurance companies so you don’t pay for their help!

    Testing cost me a little more and it wasn’t as laborious as this makes it sound. One test was video-recorded while you clicked the mouse whenever something happened on the screen and the other was some questions about your history.

  • The rejection of fanaticism went out the door along with E Pluribus Unum in the 50’s when the Christian nationalists forced their religion on the national motto. Then over the next decade black people were lynched and attacked with fire hoses when they were asking for basic rights.

    They also started conversion camps where they emotionally and sometimes physically and secually abuse minors in conversion camps to attempt to change sexual orientation.

    I believe it was Nixon who helped foem fox News to pull the Republicans further right and we’ve been seeing the consequences of that.

    Basically the fanaticism has always been there, but with the internet and social media, it’s easier for them to make their voice heard.

  • Use your knuckles and the space between from left to right. The higher points are longer months.

    The left pinky knuckle is January, the space between pinky and ring knuckle is February, the ring knuckle is March and so on. The left index knuckle will be July and you continue with August being the right hand index knuckle. All the months that land on a knuckle are 31, while everything else is 30 (except 28 or 29 for February).

  • It could happen if we could get more people to the polls.

    In 2020, there were 21.5 million people in the voting age population, of which 16.95 million were registered to vote, and of those 11.3 million cast a vote. Of the votes, Trump receuved 5,890,347 votes and Biden received 5,259,126.

    Hopefully we will have even better turnout this Oct/Nov. We were the first state to have an in-person early voting period and unfortunately, over 40 years later, isn’t well-utilized.

    For those in TX, the last day to register to vote is Oct 7.

    Voting goes from October 21-Nov 1, with one final day to cast your vote on Nov 5.

    Applications to vote by mail must be received by Oct 25.

    Check your registration status, local polling locations and hours, important dates, and other election information at the link below.
