Marxist-Leninist ☭

French 🇫🇷

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  • 48 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • I DON’T insist on Biden at all.

    Maybe not you specifically but I’ve seen a lot of peoples do.

    many MORE people in this world will suffer, struggle and die under Trump than under Biden. It’s just math and all your ideology is VERY empty in the face of it.

    See, I think this is where we disagree.

    You operate under the assumption that the things that the Republicans want to do couldn’t happen under Biden, presumably because you think he would block Republican policies, but knowing what I know about Biden and his policies, his willingness to “reach across the aisles” and give concessions to the right, his tendency to passively letting Republican bills pass without doing anything about it even when he clearly have the power to, his failure/unwillingness to roll back Republican policies from Trump’s last term let alone the ones that he expanded instead, etc… I’m telling you honestly, I don’t believe that for 1 second.

    I have not seen ANY evidences that Biden would act against Republican politics.

    Heck I haven’t seen evidences that he wouldn’t do a complete 180 and start supporting Republican policies that he used to denounce, it wouldn’t even be the first time he does it.

    In your arguments in favor of voting blue, you (the peoples who tell everyone to vote blue) always use this assumption that Biden couldn’t possibly be as bad as Trump as an axiom, as if it was just obvious, you never bother trying to show that it’s true, you never question it, I certainly haven’t ever seen any of you questioning it or trying to demonstrate it. You just treat it as some sort of fundamental truth to the point you don’t even seem to notice that you are using it sometimes.

    I haven’t seen any reason to believe that this assumption is true, on the contrary.

    When I look at the 2 last US presidential terms, I don’t see a bad president and a worst president, I see a bad president who tell you that he’s gonna to terrible shit and does exactly that and an other equally bad president that pinky promise he wont do terrible shit but then do terrible shit anyways and blames the other bad president for it when he get caught doing terrible shit.

  • I just don’t understand the pro-Democrat party crowd’s strategy. Why do they insist on keeping Biden as the Democrat candidate when that clown keeps nuking it’s own odds of winning more and more everyday with his stupid shenanigans? If the peoples who keep berating everyone to vote for Biden see Trump as some sort of ultimate threat, why do they insist on using a candidate that even they admit is hated by most of his own voter base against Trump? That sound like a terrible strategy to me. Shouldn’t they be mad at the Democrat party for taking such risk by insisting on a candidate so widely despised? Why don’t they call for a candidate that is actually likely to beat Trump? Why do they keep berating the folks who have made it clear that they won’t be voting for Biden under any circumstances when the over 60% of the Americans who don’t participate in politics are right there?

  • Since they’re a socdem party that abandoned communism decades ago, they have a lot of brainworms concerning AES:

    position on the soviet union

    La révélation des crimes du stalinisme, en 1956, ébranle la confiance profonde dans l’URSS et crée bien des déchirures.


    The revelation of the crimes of stalinism, in 1956, shook the deep confidence in the USSR and create much fractures.

    source: L’histoire du PCF (story of the French Communist Party)

    position on china

    Ce qui se passe en Chine depuis la révolution Maoïste et sa mise en œuvre par le PCC ,n’a rien de commun avec notre conception du communisme. […] les travailleurs chinois n’ai pas leurs mots à dire sur le fonctionnement de leurs entreprises, […] la population ne puissent pas manifester ces désaccords avec la politique suivi par le gouvernement […] répression exercer sur les ouïgours et les opposants au régime […] son soutien à Poutine . Tout cela fait que nous considérons que le PCC et le gouvernement Chinois n’a rien de commun avec le Communisme que le PCF promeut et n’a de Communisme que le nom.


    What has been happening in China since the Maoist revolution and it’s implementation by the CPC, has nothing in common with our conception of communism. […] the Chinese workers don’t have a word in the functioning of their enterprises, […] the population can’t protest it’s disagreements with the politics followed by the government […] repression exerted on the Uyghurs and opponents to the regime […] it’s support to Poutine. For all that we consider that the CPC and Chinese government has nothing in common with the communism that the FCP promotes and has of communist only the name.

    source: Notre position concernant le Parti communiste Chinois

    But on the Ukraine war for example, while they have the classical brainworms of Putin invading because he’s evil and whatnot, they at least have the correct position of pushing for making peace as soon as possible instead of the usual keep sending weapons or even our own army:

    Après tant de sang versé, cette folie guerrière doit être stoppée et la Paix mise à l’ordre du jour de toutes les discussions ! […] La Paix et le progrès social en Europe sont intimement liés. Car la guerre est une raison de plus, utilisée par les classes dirigeantes, pour imposer des politiques d’austérité […] C’est pourquoi refusons, contrairement à d’autres, d’inscrire cette guerre dans un temps long. Nous refusons de suivre les appels de ceux qui veulent nous entraîner dans une guerre contre la Russie au risque de plonger l’Europe dans le chaos d’une guerre mondiale. Nous appelons la France à choisir le camp de la paix et à retrouver une diplomatie indépendante et constructive en arrêtant de s’aligner systématiquement sur l’OTAN et les Etats-Unis.


    After so much blood spiled, this murderous folly must be stopped and peace put to the order of the day of all the discutions! […] The peace and social progress in Europe are intimately related. Because war is one more excuse, used by the ruling class, to impose austerity politics […] This is why we refuse, unlike others, to iscribe this war in a long time. We refuse to follow the calls of those who want to pull us in a war against Russia at the risk of plunging Europe in the chaos of a world war. We call France to choose the camp of peace and to find an independent and constructive diplomacy by stopping to systematically align with NATO and the United States.

    source: Ukraine : Agir pour la Paix, en priorité (Fabien Roussel)

    They are also calling for a ceasefire in Gaza, condemn Israel and the blockade on Cuba. There are also genuine comrades who cling onto the party ina (vain in my opinion) attempt to correct it’s revisionism and go back to Marxism.

    Not the worst soccdem party basically.

    If you want a genuenly communist(ML) party, the best I’ve found is the PRCF (Pôle de Renaissance Communiste en France = Pole for Communist Rebirth in France).