• 15 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: May 31st, 2020


  • F-Droid is like a Linux distribution. And basically, the idea behind that is that open-source means nothing in terms of trustworthiness, unless you compile the source code yourself. The source code is what can be audited, whereas the binaries that the developer provides could be filled with malware and you’d never know about it.

    Now, compiling everything yourself is complex and time-consuming, so this is where F-Droid / distros come in. Rather than trusting each and every app developer, you merely need to trust the F-Droid team.

  • Hmm, maybe my opinion is just shit in that regard. I don’t code terribly much low-level, so I’m probably overestimating the complexity and underestimating the options for cleaning things up.
    That was kind of just a random example, I felt like there were many more cases where low-level code is complex, but I’m probably basing this off of shitty low-level code and forgetting that shitty high-level code isn’t exactly a rarity either.

  • In regards to there being an abundance of songs, I’ve also found that this kills off my motivation to make music.

    For one, because well, obviously there’s musicians out there that produce music at a much higher skill level and production value, so it’s easy to just never even try ‘competing’ with them, even though with a bit of effort, I definitely can create something that a certain niche will enjoy.

    But similarly, it also feels like every niche is covered. Any song I’d want to make, I would just need to search long enough and I’d find something similar on the internet.

    I myself don’t have a real demand for the songs I create. I don’t expect to create something that I would find so much better than what everyone else does.
    I do get the bonus of writing exactly the songs that ding the neurons in my brain, but those other musicians get the bonus of having more skill and production value and being the proverbial infinite monkeys with typewriters.

    At this point, I tend to go back and forth between listening to all the excellent music out there, to try to keep my own creativity up to speed, and then for a few weeks, I’ll only listen to relatively mellow songs, so that the songs I’m writing actually sound decent in comparison and I get the motivation to continue working on them.

  • I mean, I really didn’t intend to comment on the quality of these razors. For all I know, they could be the best razors in the world. It mainly just didn’t instill much confidence in me, when they need to market it so aggressively with this pseudo-manliness horseshit rather than the actual effectiveness when shaving.

    And this is also specifically about these traditional razor blades, whereas what you posted seems to be about safety razors…

  • In my opinion, it strongly depends on what you’re coding.

    Low-level code where you need to initialize array indices to represent certain flags? Absolutely comment the living shit out of that. → See response.
    High-level code where you’re just plumbing different libraries? Hell no, the code is just as easily readable as a comment.

    I do also think that, no matter where you lie in this spectrum, there is always merit to improving code to reduce the need for documentation:

    • Rather than typing out the specification, write a unit/integration test.
    • Rather than describing that a function should only be called in a certain way, make it impossible to do it wrongly by modelling this in your type system.
    • Rather than adding a comment to describe what a block of code does, pull it out into a separate function.
    • Rather than explaining how a snippet of code works, try to simplify it, so this becomes obvious.

    The thing with documentation is that it merely makes it easier to learn about complexity, whereas a code improvement may eliminate this complexity or the need to know about it, because the compiler/test will remember.

    This does not mean you should avoid comments like they’re actively bad. As many others said, particularly the “why” is not expressable in code. Sometimes, it is also genuinely not possible to clean up a snippet of code enough that it becomes digestable.
    But it is still a good idea, when you feel the need to leave a comment that explains something else than the “why”, to consider for a moment, if there’s not some code improvement you should be doing instead.

  • A few months ago, I bought some fake/vegan leather shoes and they didn’t quite fit. So, I figured, I’d try the old leather shoe trick, where you fill them with water, put them on and let them dry+shrink to fit your feet.

    And it actually kind of worked. But I had decided to just leave them on for basically the rest of the day. And that wasn’t a great idea.

    My foot soles had soaked with water and gotten wrinkles that carved about a centimeter deep. Even after taking the shoes off, I was in pain for a few hours. It felt like the soaked skin was constantly pulling on my flesh, because their shapes didn’t fit together anymore.

    So, yeah, I imagine, the same would happen, if you bathed for 8 hours. You could somewhat mitigate it, by covering your whole body in vaseline or some other form of fat.
    I guess, you could also try bathing in rapeseed oil or such directly…? I’m not actually recommending this, though. 🫠

  • I’ve considered buying one of these, and holy fuck, everything is branded so ridiculously manly.

    And when I say manly, I mean the opposite of manly, of course. The no self-esteem version. Where a minimum of three animals need to have died for a product. And where you’re never quite sure, if you’re actually buying a shaving razor, because all the models look like they would never shave their magnificent beard.

    Made me bounce off of that pretty damn quickly…

  • What the hell, the logistics must be crazy.

    With canned beans or something, you could just get a few pallets from what’s stockpiled anyways.
    But with brisket, you gotta slaughter that shit pretty much as it’s being handed out, ideally have it cooled the whole time, but then it also has to be cooked before consumption. If people have to evacuate their homes, you gotta do the cooking for them, too…