Love me some old games.

  • Duke Nukem connoisseur
  • Doom lover
  • Lemmings ally
  • Commander Keen stan

Retrolemmy Admin


  • 11 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 19th, 2023


  • Honestly, with all the fuckery going on, nothing has changed. Gamestop has got an “out” for when it does happen and if people blame them they can say they offered up shares.

    The company is not going bankrupt any time soon, making the shorts even more fucked. The drs numbers haven’t changed, only the percentage. Locking down the float was always an unobtainable dream, but worth a shot. And even then if you believe the DD there are so many shorts that the dilution is just a drop in the water.

    Their cash on hand is now >40% of their market cap, making this the smartest investment from an objective and squeeze-less point of view. Add in the shorting and fuckery that still goes on to this day, I don’t see a problem.

    Momentum was probably still going to lose if they didn’t dilute, considering this is one of the most, if not the most manipulated stock on the market.

    When MOASS happens, it happens. All the rest is just noise.